Training for a personal assistant was held in the Center for professional development in Šabac
Events, News and eventsUnder the project "Improve employability of people from vulnerable groups through provision of new knowledge and skills" training for a personal assistant was held in the Center for professional development in Šabac from 23.01. until 25.01.2023.…

Training for the Civil Protection Mechanism and Operational Management of the European Union has begun
Events, News, News and eventsThe project Copris strengthens the human resources capacity of the city administration, in the field of protection and rescue, in accordance with the procedures of the European Union. In order to achieve this goal, in January and February,…

Successfully completed "Entrepreneurship Academy" within the project "SYSTEM"
Events, News and eventsAt December 26, 2022, the last education for the fifth group of participants of the Entrepreneurial Academy was completed as part of the project "SYSTEM" .
95 participants successfully completed the academy, which was held in the form of…

Training "Preparedness and response in natural disasters" was held in Arilje
Events, News and eventsThe Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia and the Tara Mountaineering Club held a training course "Preparedness and response in natural disasters" for the students of the high school "Sveti Ahilija" in Arilje, as well as for pensioners in Arilje,…

The second part of the training "Project cycle management " was held in Brod
Events, News and eventsThe second part of the training "Project cycle management " was held in Brod on December 14, 2022. The trainings are certified by accredited i Institution for adult education –Social educational centre -Banja Luka and "EDUKA-BiH" from…

Events, News and eventsThe Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with the Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Zlatibor administrative district and the Energis Association, organized B2B meetings of metal and wood industry…

The Eighth National Conference on Territorial Cooperation was held on December 14
Events, News and eventsThe Eighth National Conference on Territorial Cooperation was held on December 14 at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade. The Minister of European Integration, Tanja Miščević, presented today the results of Serbia’s…

Citizens from three municipalities in BiH start with waste selection
Events, News and eventsOn Monday, September 5, 2022, the official handover of the equipment procured as part of the project "Municipalities with zero waste" was performed. The acquired equipment will facilitate the work of utility companies in the area of Ilijaš,…

The Head of the Department for Cooperation of the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, Nikola Bertolini visited PUC Duboko
Events, News, News and eventsThe Head of the Department for Cooperation of the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, Nikola Bertolini, conducted a two-day visit to the western part of Serbia on October 12th, 2022. The visit started with a meeting with the mayor of…

The Closing Conference was held within the project "Improving the capacity of public services in the field of waste management in the cross-border region"
Events, News, News and events
Within the project "Improving the capacity of public services in the field of waste management in the cross-border region" The Closing Conference was held on Friday, September 23, 2022, at the Provincial Institute for Nature Protection…

The cross-border exercise of protection and rescue services was held in Tuzla under the project "Copris
Events, News, News and eventsOn September 9, 2022, the cross-border exercise of protection and rescue services was held in Tuzla under the project "Copris".
The participants of the exercise should have shown strength, organization and readiness to respond to various…

Technically equipped system for establishing a bulky waste management system
Events, News, News and eventsThe last purchase within the project "Establishment of a system for sustainable management of bulky waste in the territory of the cities of Užice and Tuzla-BWL" was completed with the delivery of loaders/grapples to PUK "Duboko".
This equipment…

The final conference was held under the project "Improving fire protection management in the cross-border area of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia"
Events, News, News and eventsOn Thursday, September 1, 2022, the final conference was held under the project "Improving fire protection management in the cross-border area of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia" in Bajina Bašta.
At the final conference, the director…

The third training was held within the project BWL
Events, News and eventsOn August 16 this year, the regional center for waste management hosted the third training within the project "Establishing the system of sustainable bulky waste management, on the territories of the cities of Uzice and Tuzla – Bulky Waste…

The final conference of the project "STEPin"
Events, News and eventsOn 28.07.2022. in the premises of the Cultural Center in Ruma, the STEPin Final Conference was held.
The welcoming speech was made by the President of the Municipality of Ruma, Mr. Stevan Kovačević. The first lecture entitled "Challenges…

Employment fair in Ruma
Events, News and eventsOn 27.07.2022. STEP's employment fair was held in the premises of the Cultural Center in Ruma. The Faculty of Sports and Physical Education of the University of Novi Sad, the Taekwondo Club "Dragon" from Ruma, the Taekwondo Club "Kobra" from…

The replica of the Neolithic settlement was officially opened in Staparska banja near Užice.
Events, News and eventsToday, the Archaeological Park "StaPARK" in Staparska Banja was openeand d, the construction of the park was financed under the project "NEOLIFE", which was implemented under the First CfP. Archaeological park "StaPARK", from the Neolithic era,…

The STEPin employment fair
Events, News and eventsThe STEPin employment fair was held in Sarajevo on July 22, 2022. The following associations presented their activities: TMP Society for the Employment of Blind and Visually Impaired Persons d.o.o.. Sarajevo, ATHLETA - Novi Grad Sarajevo…

Within the project STEPin two days of Job Shadowing were held in Sarajevo on June 28 and 29, 2022.
Events, News and eventsThe participants on the first day of job shadowing had the opportunity to visit the Women's National Team of Bosnia and Herzegovina in sitting volleyball led by coach Mr. Muamer Čerimić. Participants had the opportunity to see how a national…

Events, News and eventsA two-day training was organized in Sarajevo from June 16 to 17, 2022 by t he Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Zlatibor Administrative District…

As part of the realization of the project "STEPin" the second practical session was held on June 16, 2022.
Events, News and eventsAs part of the realization of the project "STEPin" the second practical session was held on June 16, 2022. The session was held for the participants of STEPin education from BiH in the Public Institution Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

As part of the implementation of the project “STEPin”, the first practice session was held on May 26, 2022.
Events, News and eventsAs part of the implementation of the project “STEPin”, the first practice session was held on May 26, 2022.
The leader of the first practice session was Amel Kapo, coach and founder of the swimming club "Speed" from Sarajevo.

The implantation workshop for the projects contracted within 2nd CfP IPA CBCP Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020
Events, News and eventsOnline Implementation workshop for the awarded grant beneficiaries within the 2nd Call for Proposals for the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 was held on June 14, 2022. With regard to provide support…

Mountain rescue services - rescue from fast waters
Events, News and eventsWithin the project "Improved Emergency Preparedness & Coordinated Response in the Cross-Border Area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina", training in rescue from fast waters was held. This is one of the most demanding types of rescue,…

Events, News and eventsThe Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Zlatibor Administrative District-Uzice and Energis, in Gorazde organized a two-day project academy that brought together…