Minister of European Integration of Serbia, Tanja Miščević, stated today that small cross-border cooperation projects in the region are often more visible and important to citizens than large infrastructure projects.
At the conference… Markovic Markovic2024-11-06 18:42:232024-11-06 18:49:47[:en]Marking 20 Years of EU-Supported Territorial and Cross-Border Cooperation Projects[:sr]Обележено 20 година пројеката територијалне и прекограничне сарадње уз подршку ЕУ[:ba]Obilježeno 20 godina projekata teritorijalne i prekogranične saradnje uz podršku EU[:]
Do you have a project idea that aligns with the CBC Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027 thematic priorities? Are you seeking partners to make your vision a reality? If so, we invite you to attend our upcoming Partner Search Forum!
This… Markovic Markovic2024-10-25 08:49:272024-10-25 09:04:02[:en]Join Us at the Partner Search Forum![:sr]Придружите нам се на Форуму за тражење партнера![:ba]Pridružite nam se na Forumu za traženje partnera![:]
The Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia, as Contracting Authority, launches call for expression of interest for the assessment of project proposals received under the: Calls for Proposals of the Cross-Border… Markovic Markovic2024-10-14 13:42:492024-10-14 13:53:47[:en]Call for expression of interest for the assessment of project proposals[:sr]Позив за исказивање интересовања за учешће у оцењивању предлога пројеката[:ba]Poziv za iskazivanje interesovanja za učešće u ocjenjivanju prijedloga projekata[:]
The final conference of the project "Development and Implementation of Programs in Response to the Needs of Children with Behavioral Disorders," organized by the Provincial Institute for Social Protection, was held on October 10, 2024,… Markovic Markovic2024-10-11 13:54:252024-10-11 14:04:55[:en]Final Conference of the Project Supporting Children with Behavioral Disorders[:sr]Завршна конференција пројекта за подршку деци са поремећајем у понашању[:ba]Završna konferencija projekta za podršku deci sa poremećajem u ponašanju[:]
On September 27, 2024, a press conference was held in Loznica as part of the project "Developing Rural Tourism as a Foundation for Future Sustainable Development of the Cross-Border Area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina." Current project… Markovic Markovic2024-10-09 13:22:442024-10-09 18:37:29[:en]Press Conference Held in Loznica as Part of Rural Tourism Development Project[:sr]Одржана прес конференција у Лозници у оквиру пројекта развоја руралног туризма[:ba]Održana pres konferencija u Loznici u okviru projekta razvoja ruralnog turizma[:]
Cancellation of the call for expression of interest for creation of the pool of experts (‘assessors’) to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the calls for proposals within the IPA III: Cross-Border… Markovic Markovic2024-10-08 15:03:482024-10-08 15:21:27[:en]Cancellation of the call for expression of interest for creation of the pool of experts (‘assessors’) to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the calls for proposals within the IPA III: Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027, Serbia - Montenegro 2021-2027 and Serbia – North Macedonia 2021-2027 under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III)[:sr]Поништава се Позив за исказивање интересовања за учешће у оцењивању предлога пројеката примљених у оквиру јавних позива за достављање предлога пројеката за програме прекограничне сарадње: Србија – Босна и Херцеговина 2021-2027, Србија – Црна Гора 2021-2027 и Србија – Северна Македонија 2021-2027 у оквиру Инструмента за претприступну помоћ (IPA III)[:ba]Poništava se Poziv za iskazivanje interesovanja za učešće u ocjenjivanju prijedloga projekata primljenih u okviru javnih poziva za dostavljanje prijedloga projekata za Programe prekogranične saradnje: Srbija – Bosna i Hercegovina 2021-2027, Srbija – Crna Gora 2021-2027 i Srbija – Severna Makedonija 2021-2027 u okviru Instrumenta za pretpristupnu pomoć (IPA III)[:]
On October 2-3, 2024, a two-day workshop on the topic "Preparation of Project Proposals for the Cross-border Program Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027" took place at the "Vučko" Hotel on Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The event was… Markovic Markovic2024-10-02 15:56:242024-10-09 18:50:19[:en]The workshop "Preparation of Project Proposals for the Cross-border Program Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027" was hald on Jahorina[:sr]Одржана дводневна радионица о припреми пројектних предлога за Програм прекограничне сарадње Србија-Босна и Херцеговина[:ba]Održana dvodnevna radionica o pripremi projektnih prijedloga za Program prekogranične saradnje Srbija-Bosna i Hercegovina[:]
On September 27, 2024, the "NESESER" Business Incubator, a project co-financed by the European Union under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Serbia – Bosnia and 2014-2020, was officially opened in Brčko. The project is implemented by the… Markovic Markovic2024-09-30 11:58:362024-10-01 10:16:15[:en]"NESESER" Business Incubator Officially Opened in Brčko[:sr]Свечано отворен Пословни инкубатор „НЕСЕСЕР“ пројекта у Брчком[:ba]Svečano otvoren Poslovni inkubator projekta "NESESER" u Brčkom[:]
September 27, 2024, Sremska Mitrovica – Unique handicrafts adorned with motifs of begova šara and sofra, reflecting the cultural identity of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, were showcased today at the "Gift with Meaning" exhibition… Markovic Markovic2024-09-30 11:45:092024-09-30 11:57:28[:en]"A Gift with Meaning" – A Fusion of Tradition and Culture from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina[:sr]„Поклон са значењем“ – спој традиције и културе Србије и БиХ[:ba]„Poklon sa značenjem“ – spoj tradicije i kulture Srbije i BiH[:]
The Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, with technical support from the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS), invite you to attend… Markovic Markovic2024-09-15 19:31:292024-09-16 13:42:59[:en]Invitation to Participate in the Workshop "Preparation of Project Proposals for the Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027"[:sr]Позив за учешће на радионици „Припрема предлога пројеката за Програм прекограничне сарадње Србија–Босна и Херцеговина 2021-2027”[:ba]Poziv za učešće na radionici „Priprema prijedloga projekata za Program prekogranične saradnje Srbija–Bosna i Hercegovina 2021-2027”[:]
The Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia, as Contracting Authority, launches call for expression of interest for the assessment of project proposals received under the: Calls for Proposals of the Cross-Border Cooperation… Markovic Markovic2024-07-19 09:00:462024-07-19 10:38:00[:en]Call for expression of interest for the assessment of project proposals[:sr]Позив за исказивање интересовања за учешће у оцењивању предлога пројеката[:ba]Poziv za iskazivanje interesovanja za učešće u ocjenjivanju prijedloga projekata[:]
Last week of June, two two-day training workshops for birdwatchers were held as part of the project "Eco Tourism in the Cross-border Area between Serbia and BIH: Cross border BIRDWATCHING" The workshops took place in Bogatić (Serbia), organized… Markovic Markovic2024-07-08 14:30:222024-07-08 14:38:39[:en]Birdwatching Training Workshops[:sr]Одржане обуке за посматрање птица[:ba]Održane obuke za posmatranje ptica[:]
The "Elevator Pitch" conference, showcasing the best entrepreneurial ideas of young people, was held on 21.06. in the hall of Hotel Srem in Sremska Mitrovica. The competition featured 50 young participants from the Srem region and Tuzla Canton,… Markovic Markovic2024-06-25 13:44:132024-06-25 14:00:32[:en]"Elevator Pitch" Conference in Sremska Mitrovica: Showcasing the Best Youth Entrepreneurial Ideas[:sr]Конференција „Елеватор Пич“ у Сремској Митровици: Најбоље предузетничке идеје младих[:ba]Konferencija „Elevator Pitch“ u Sremskoj Mitrovici: Najbolje preduzetničke ideje mladih[:]
On the occasion of June 15th – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – the Red Cross of Vojvodina organized a lecture by the President of the Gerontology Society of Serbia, Nataša Todorović, at the National Library in Inđija on June 13, 2024.… Markovic Markovic2024-06-25 13:31:532024-06-25 13:43:19[:en]World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Marked in Inđija with Support from the HEAL Project[:sr]Светски дан борбе против насиља над старијима обележен у Инђији уз подршку ХЕАЛ пројекта[:ba]Svetski dan borbe protiv nasilja nad starijima obeležen u Inđiji uz podršku HEAL projekta[:]
A hybrid workshop on "Project Proposal Preparation within the Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2021-2027" was held on June 24, 2024, at the Royal Spa Hotel in Banja Koviljača.The workshop was attended by over… Markovic Markovic2024-06-24 13:27:562024-07-19 09:12:22[:en]Hybrid Workshop on "Project Proposal Preparation within the Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2021-2027"[:sr]Одржана хибридна радионица на тему „Припрема предлога пројеката у оквиру Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија–Босна и Херцеговина 2021–2027“[:ba]Održana hibridna radionica na temu „Priprema predloga projekata u okviru Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija–Bosna i Hercegovina 2021–2027“[:]
Today, a PCM workshop within the IPA III CBC Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027 is being held at the Royal Spa Hotel in Banja Koviljača. The workshop starts at 11 AM.
We invite all interested parties to follow the workshop… Markovic Markovic2024-06-24 06:50:542024-06-24 08:37:53[:en]LIVE: PCM Workshop within the IPA III CBC Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027[:sr]УЖИВО: Радионица за припрему предлога пројеката у оквиру IPA III CBC Програма Србија-Босна и Херцеговина 2021-2027[:ba]UŽIVO: Radionica za pripremu predloga projekata u okviru IPA III CBC Programa Srbija-Bosna i Hercegovina 2021-2027[:]
Tuzla, May 22, 2024 - Today, 40 exhibitors from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia showcased their craftsmanship in traditional handcraft techniques – knitting and crocheting – during Diplomatic Day, held as part of the first Handicraft Colony… Markovic Markovic2024-06-17 18:55:232024-06-18 16:05:12[:en]Handicraft Colony in Tuzla Showcases Traditional Techniques[:sr]Колонија рукотворина у Тузли представља традиционалне технике[:ba]Kolonija rukotvorina u Tuzli predstavlja tradicionalne tehnike[:]
If you are in the territory of the Republic of Serbia or Bosnia and Herzegovina covered by the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia- Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027, you have a good idea for a project and you want it to be co-financed… Markovic Markovic2024-06-13 18:14:442024-06-14 12:31:30[:en]Find out how to prepare your project proposal and apply for the Call that will be announced this year by the CBCP Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina[:sr]Сазнајте како да припремите свој пројекат и пријавите се на Позив који ће ове године расписати Програм прекограничне сарадње Србија-Босна и Херцеговина[:ba]Saznajte kako da pripremite svoj projekat i prijavite se na Poziv koji će ove godine raspisati Program prekogranične saradnje Srbija- Bosna i Hercegovina[:]
As part of the project "Development of rural tourism as a basis for future sustainable development in the cross-border region of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina" implemented by the Municipality of Han Pijesak, the City of Loznica,… Markovic Markovic2024-06-03 21:18:262024-06-03 21:28:37[:en]Press Conference Held as Part of Rural Tourism Development Project in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina[:sr]Одржана Пресс конференција у оквиру пројекта развоја руралног туризма у Србији и Босни и Херцеговини[:ba]Održana press konferencija u okviru projekta razvoja ruralnog turizma u Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini[:]
As part of the project "Development and implementation of the programme for responding to the needs of children with behavioural disorder" the fourth mentorship visit to the Day Care Center for Children with Behavioral Disorders in Stara Pazova… Markovic Markovic2024-05-22 13:10:212024-05-22 13:22:36[:en]Development and implementation of the programme for responding to the needs of children with behavioral disorder[:sr]Четврта менторска посета Дневном боравку за децу са поремећајима у понашању у Старој Пазови[:ba]Četvrta mentorska poseta Dnevnom boravku za decu sa poremećajima u ponašanju u Staroj Pazovi[:]
Women from Loznica, Sremska Mitrovica, Inđija, Ruma, and Šid, organized by NALED and the Ethno Network, have visited Tuzla and Sarajevo to get acquainted with the local craftsmanship characteristic of this region. The two-day study visit was… Markovic Markovic2024-03-28 17:36:302024-03-28 17:54:44[:en]Joint Touristic Products from Serbia and Bosnia Expected by the End of 2024[:sr]Стижу заједнички туристички производи Србије и Босне до краја 2024.[:ba]Stižu zajednički turistički proizvodi Srbije i Bosne do kraja 2024.[:]
Sixteen representatives from various sectors including tourism organizations, tour operators, and businesses in the tourism industry, alongside members of the "Open-Air Everywhere" Project team from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, are actively… Markovic Markovic2024-03-06 13:14:432024-03-06 13:33:29[:en]Key Stakeholders from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Showcase Tourism Projects at ITB Tourism Fair in Berlin[:sr]Кључни учесници из Србије и Босне и Херцеговине представљају туристичке пројекте на ИТБ сајму туризма у Берлину[:ba]Ključni učesnici iz Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine predstavljaju turističke projekte na ITB sajmu turizma u Berlinu[:]
More than 80 participants from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina gathered on Monday, February 26, for a study visit to the social tourism enterprise "Avlija Sustainable Development" in Bogatić and the Special Nature Reserve "Zasavica" in Zasavica.
The… Markovic Markovic2024-03-04 11:10:502024-03-04 13:05:12[:en]Exploring Sustainable Tourism within project Cross border BIRDWATCHING[:sr]Студијска посета одржана у оквиру пројекта „Еко туризам у прекограничном подручју између Србије и БиХ: Посматрање птица у прекограничном подручју“[:ba]Studijska poseta održana u okviru projekta „Eko turizam u prekograničnom području između Srbije i BiH[:]
During December 2023 and February 2024, as part of the project "Together for Cultural Tourism – Cross-border Cooperation for Improved Socio-Economic Development and Preservation of Traditional Craftsmanship" , workshops were organized… Markovic Markovic2024-02-29 22:26:482024-06-03 21:16:23[:en]More than 200 Women Unite for Cultural Tourism: Workshops Held in Inđija, Šid, and Sremska Mitrovica[:sr]Више од 200 жена заједно за културни туризам: Одржане радионице у Инђији, Шиду и Сремској Митровици[:ba]Više od 200 žena zajedno za kulturni turizam: Održane radionice u Inđiji, Šidu i Sremskoj Mitrovici[:]
At the 45th International Tourism Fair in Belgrade, the Tourist Organization of Užice, along with project partners, presented the cross-border project " E-CrossPass". This project has been in progress for a year, with partners including… Markovic Markovic2024-02-26 22:56:522024-02-26 23:14:48[:en]E-CrossPass has been presented at 45th International Tourism Fair in Belgrade[:sr]"E-CrossPass" представљен на 45. Међународном сајму туризма у Београду[:ba]"E-CrossPass" predstavljen na 45. Međunarodnom sajmu turizma u Beogradu[:]
Marking 20 Years of EU-Supported Territorial and Cross-Border Cooperation Projects
Events, News, News and eventsJoin Us at the Partner Search Forum!
Events, News, News and eventsCall for expression of interest for the assessment of project proposals
News, News and eventsFinal Conference of the Project Supporting Children with Behavioral Disorders
Events, News, News and eventsPress Conference Held in Loznica as Part of Rural Tourism Development Project
Events, News, News and eventsCancellation of the call for expression of interest for creation of the pool of experts (‘assessors’) to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the calls for proposals within the IPA III: Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027, Serbia - Montenegro 2021-2027 and Serbia – North Macedonia 2021-2027 under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III)
News and events, Projekti I pozivThe workshop "Preparation of Project Proposals for the Cross-border Program Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027" was hald on Jahorina
Events, News, News and events"NESESER" Business Incubator Officially Opened in Brčko
Events, News, News and events"A Gift with Meaning" – A Fusion of Tradition and Culture from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Events, News, News and eventsInvitation to Participate in the Workshop "Preparation of Project Proposals for the Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027"
Events, NewsCall for expression of interest for the assessment of project proposals
News and eventsBirdwatching Training Workshops
Events, News and events"Elevator Pitch" Conference in Sremska Mitrovica: Showcasing the Best Youth Entrepreneurial Ideas
Events, News, News and eventsWorld Elder Abuse Awareness Day Marked in Inđija with Support from the HEAL Project
Events, News, News and eventsHybrid Workshop on "Project Proposal Preparation within the Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2021-2027"
Events, News, News and eventsLIVE: PCM Workshop within the IPA III CBC Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027
Events, News, News and eventsHandicraft Colony in Tuzla Showcases Traditional Techniques
News and eventsFind out how to prepare your project proposal and apply for the Call that will be announced this year by the CBCP Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina
News and eventsPress Conference Held as Part of Rural Tourism Development Project in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
News and eventsDevelopment and implementation of the programme for responding to the needs of children with behavioral disorder
Events, NewsJoint Touristic Products from Serbia and Bosnia Expected by the End of 2024
Events, News and eventsKey Stakeholders from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Showcase Tourism Projects at ITB Tourism Fair in Berlin
Events, News, News and eventsExploring Sustainable Tourism within project Cross border BIRDWATCHING
Events, News, News and eventsMore than 200 Women Unite for Cultural Tourism: Workshops Held in Inđija, Šid, and Sremska Mitrovica
Events, News and eventsE-CrossPass has been presented at 45th International Tourism Fair in Belgrade
Events, News, News and events