"Elevator Pitch" Conference in Sremska Mitrovica: Showcasing the Best Youth Entrepreneurial Ideas

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The "Elevator Pitch" conference, showcasing the best entrepreneurial ideas of young people, was held on 21.06. in the hall of Hotel Srem in Sremska Mitrovica. The competition featured 50 young participants from the Srem region and Tuzla Canton,…

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Marked in Inđija with Support from the HEAL Project

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On the occasion of June 15th – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – the Red Cross of Vojvodina organized a lecture by the President of the Gerontology Society of Serbia, Nataša Todorović, at the National Library in Inđija on June 13, 2024.…

Hybrid Workshop on "Project Proposal Preparation within the Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2021-2027"

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A hybrid workshop on "Project Proposal Preparation within the Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2021-2027" was held on June 24, 2024, at the Royal Spa Hotel in Banja Koviljača.The workshop was attended by over…

LIVE: PCM Workshop within the IPA III CBC Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027

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Today, a PCM workshop  within the IPA III CBC Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027 is being held at the Royal Spa Hotel in Banja Koviljača. The workshop starts at 11 AM. We invite all interested parties to follow the workshop…

Development and implementation of the programme for responding to the needs of children with behavioral disorder

As part of the project "Development and implementation of the programme for responding to the needs of children with behavioural disorder" the fourth mentorship visit to the Day Care Center for Children with Behavioral Disorders in Stara Pazova…

Key Stakeholders from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Showcase Tourism Projects at ITB Tourism Fair in Berlin

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Sixteen representatives from various sectors including tourism organizations, tour operators, and businesses in the tourism industry, alongside members of the "Open-Air Everywhere" Project team from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, are actively…

Exploring Sustainable Tourism within project Cross border BIRDWATCHING

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More than 80 participants from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina gathered on Monday, February 26, for a study visit to the social tourism enterprise "Avlija Sustainable Development" in Bogatić and the Special Nature Reserve "Zasavica" in Zasavica. The…

E-CrossPass has been presented at 45th International Tourism Fair in Belgrade

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At the 45th International Tourism Fair in Belgrade, the Tourist Organization of Užice, along with project partners, presented the cross-border project " E-CrossPass". This project has been in progress for a year, with partners including…

Conference Held in Tuzla: "Challenges and Opportunities for Improving the Position of Informal Caregivers"

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Conference Held in Tuzla: "Challenges and Opportunities for Improving the Position of Informal Caregivers" Center for Social Innovation  in Tuzla, in collaboration with partner organizations Centre for support and inclusion HELP…

Financial Agreement for the Use of the New IPA III Cross-Border Cooperation Program Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Period 2021 – 2027

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Today in Sarajevo, the Director of the Directorate for European Integration, Elvira Habota, and the Minister for European Integration of Serbia, Tanja Miščević, signed the Financial Agreement for the use of the new IPA III Cross-Border Cooperation…

Training on Trail Marking and Maintenance Held: Support for the 'Via Dinarica: Green Trail Above Borders

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A two-day training of significant importance for the maintenance and improvement of hiking trails and paths took place at the "Čika Duško Jovanović" Mountain Lodge on Mount Rajac. This initiative is part of the project  "Via Dinarica:…

Project "E-CROSSPASS": Conducted Study Visit to "Leading Quality Trails – the Best in Europe" (LQT)

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The Uzice Tourist Organization, as the leading partner in the project E-CrossPass, ded by the European Union through the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020, has achieved significant success…

The financial agreement between Serbia, Montenegro, and the European Union was signed during Grant award ceremony

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Today, in Zlatibor, another step towards strengthening regional cooperation and improving the lives of citizens of Serbia and Montenegro was officially taken. Serbia's Minister for European Integration, Tanja Miščević, together with her colleagues,…

Project Opening Conference HEAL

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The HEAL (Healthy Ageing in the Cross-Border Region) project focuses on enhancing our senior citizens' well-being by improving access to vital healthcare and preventive services in rural areas.   Recently, a conference was held…

EU Opportunity Week

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The final day of the European Week of Opportunities took place in Niš, where a trilateral agreement was signed, securing €3.6 million in funding for the second phase of the Serbia-North Macedonia Cross-Border Cooperation Program. This agreement…

Project E-CrossPass – Opening Conference

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TUZLA – The opening conference of the project Strengthening the Pedestrian Corridor in the Cross-Border Area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina – E-CrossPass took place yesterday in Tuzla. E-CrossPass project is co-financed by the European…

Kick Off Conference "Via Dinarica: Green Trail Above Borders"

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Project partners Regional Development Agency Zlatibor, Terra Dinarica and Municipality of Vareš hosted a Kick Off Conference in Sarajevo on 23.05.2023. The project Via Dinarica: Green Trail Above Borders is co-financed by the European Union…

3rd CfP CBC SRB BIH Implementing manual

  Dear beneficiaries, Please, be informed that Implementing manual for 3rd CfP is published on our website.   The document providing detailed guidance for Project Partners of the approved projects in the…

We've counted to zero! - Final conference of the project "Zero Waste Municipality"

The final conference within the project  "Zero Waste Municipality"  was held on February 23 and 24, 2023 in Divčibare. The conference has aimed to present the results of project implementation as well as the experiences of direct…

Five Projects have been contracted within the third Call for Proposals

Within the Third Call for Proposals of the Cross Border Cooperation Programme Serbia–BiH 2014-2020, five projects have been contracted until now.The projects aim to contribute to the development of tourism in the program area and to foster…

Training for the Civil Protection Mechanism and Operational Management of the European Union has begun

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The project Copris  strengthens the human resources capacity of the city administration, in the field of protection and rescue, in accordance with the procedures of the European Union. In order to achieve this goal, in January and February,…


Dear beneficiaries, applicants and potential applicants, In order to prevent situations that may lead to double financing, and therefore to financial and legal consequences for the beneficiary, we draw attention to the obligation that each…

The Head of the Department for Cooperation of the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, Nikola Bertolini visited PUC Duboko

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The Head of the Department for Cooperation of the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, Nikola Bertolini, conducted a two-day visit to the western part of Serbia on October 12th, 2022. The visit started with a meeting with the mayor of…

The Closing Conference was held within the project "Improving the capacity of public services in the field of waste management in the cross-border region"

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  Within the project "Improving the capacity of public services in the field of waste management in the cross-border region" The Closing Conference was held on Friday, September 23, 2022, at the Provincial Institute for Nature Protection…