It is time to develop the concept of "Zero Waste Municipalities" in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina through the project " Zero Waste Municipalities", as well as to promote the reduction of waste creation at its source. This approach… Markovic Markovic2021-09-15 09:49:222021-09-17 09:52:19[:en]It is time to develop the concept of "Zero Waste Municipalities" in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina[:sr]Општине са нула отпада – заједно бројимо до нула[:ba]Opštine sa nula otpada – zajedno brojimo do nula[:]
The first training, out of two planned for employees in the city administration of Uzice, was held on August 18. The training was held with the aim of discussing bulky waste management among the structures that create and monitor the implementation… Markovic Markovic2021-08-23 14:04:162021-09-17 09:33:06[:en]The first training for employees in the administrations of the City of Užice was held within the BWL project[:sr]Одржан је први тренинг за запослене у градским управама Града Ужица у оквиру пројекта BWL[:ba]Održan je prvi trening za zaposlene u gradskim upravama Grada Užica u okviru projekta BWL[:]
The final conference of the project "Improvement of solid waste management in urban and rural areas of the municipalities of Bajina Basta, Visegrad and Han Pjesak" was held on Thursday, July 15, on the ship "Grizzly" on Lake Perućac.
The… Markovic Markovic2021-08-02 12:46:322021-08-23 14:01:42[:en]Final conference of the project[:sr]ЗАВРШНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЈА ПРОЈЕКТА „ОТПАД НИЈЕ ЗА БАЦАЊЕ“[:ba]ZAVRŠNA KONFERENCIJA PROJEKTA „OTPAD NIJE ZA BACANJE“[:]
Under the project STEPin was organized Opening Conference in Sarajevo on 17th July 2021, with an aim to present to the target groups, and wider audience the activities of the STEPin project, whose implementation will last until 18th August 2022.… Markovic Markovic2021-07-19 14:49:012021-07-19 15:06:06[:en]"STEPIN TOGETHER WITH US INTO THE NEW EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES" was a slogan of the Opening Conference under the project "STEPin"[:sr]"Закорачите са нама у нове могућности запошљавања" био је слоган отварајуће конференције пројекта "STEPin"[:ba]"Zakoračite sa nama u nove mogućnosti zapošljavanja" bio je slogan otvarajuće konferencije projekta "STEPin"[:]
Conference on the Future of Europe: A vivid Europe from below - Local authorities in the Western Balkan and their vision of a future Europe will be held ONLINE - Monday, 14 June 2021 | 10:00 – 12:00 CET.
Join us for the third… Markovic Markovic2021-06-09 12:09:142021-06-09 14:31:29[:en]Conference on the Future of Europe: A vivid Europe from below - Local authorities in the Western Balkan and their vision of a future Europe[:sr]Конференција о будућности Европе:A vivid Europe from below[:ba]Konferencija o budućnosti Evrope: A vivid Europe from below - Local authorities in the Western Balkan and their vision of a future Europe[:]
On behalf of partner organizations, ProReha Center organized the opening conference in Vogošća at Monday, May 31, 2021 under the project "Improve employability of people from vulnerable groups through provision of new knowledge and skills".
In… Markovic Markovic2021-06-03 00:27:322021-06-03 00:49:51[:en]Employment of vulnerable groups is the topic of the opening conference in Vogošća[:sr]Запошљавање рањивих група тема отварајуће конференције у Вогошћи[:ba]Zapošljavanje ranjivih grupa bila je tema uvodne konferencije u Vogošći [:]
On Friday, May 28, 2021 the Opening Conference of the project "Upgrading of the waste management public service capacities in cross border region" was held in Sremska Mitrovica.
The leading partner in the project is the Provincial Secretariat… Markovic Markovic2021-05-31 12:41:072021-05-31 13:41:11[:en]The Opening Conference of the project "Upgrading of the waste management public service capacities in cross border region" was held[:sr]Одржана почетна конференција пројекта „Унапређење капацитета јавних служби за управљање отпадом у прекограничном региону“[:ba]Održana početna konferencija projekta „Unapređenje kapaciteta javnih službi za upravljanje otpadom u prekograničnom regionu“[:]
Within the project "Cross-border network of natural heritage - CBC Nature NET", two workshops were held on May 27, 2021 at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, in the Faculty Arboretum. The arboretum is a protected natural area managed… Markovic Markovic2021-05-28 11:24:252021-05-28 11:33:33[:en]Nature protection is an integral part of sustainable tourism[:sr]Заштита природе неодвојиви део одрживог туризма[:ba]Zaštita prirode neodvojivi deo održivog turizma[:]
On the occasion of the beginning of the project "Establishment of a system for sustainable management of bulky waste in the cities of Uzice and Tuzla" (BWL) A press conference was held in Tuzla on 29th April, 2021.
The media and other… Markovic Markovic2021-05-10 11:29:482021-05-27 10:44:14[:en]Within the support of the "BWL" project, Uzice and Tuzla are working on a systematic resolving the problem of bulky waste management[:sr]Градови Ужице и Тузла уз помоћ пројекта "БWЛ" раде на системском решавању проблема управљања кабастим отпадом[:ba]Gradovi Užice i Tuzla uz pomoć projekta "BWL" rade na sistemskom rešavanju problema upravljanja kabastim otpadom[:]
The partnership agreement on the realization of the project "Improve employability of people from vulnerable groups through provision of new knowledge and skills" was signed on May 21, 2021 in Bogatić.
Partners are Caritas Šabac,… Markovic Markovic2021-05-07 13:05:202021-05-10 13:27:52[:en]An agreement on the realization of the project "Improve employability of people from vulnerable groups through provision of new knowledge and skills"was signed in Bogatić[:sr]У Богатићу потписан Споразум о реализацији пројекта„Побољшање запошљивости људи из осетљивих група пружањем нових знања и вештина“[:ba]U Bogatiću potpisan Sporazum o realizaciji projekta "Poboljšanje zapošljivosti ljudi iz osetljivih grupa pružanjem novih znanja i veština"[:]
The second Workshop “Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020” was held on April 28, 2021.
Workshop was conduct with aim to prepare workshop participants for… Markovic Markovic2021-04-28 20:15:212021-07-13 16:33:23[:en]The second online Workshop on project cycle management was held on April 28, 2021[:sr]Успешно одржана друга интернет радионица на тему припреме предлога пројеката[:ba]Uspešno održana druga internet radionica na temu pripreme prijedloga projekata[:]
The online Workshop on project cycle management “Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020” was held on April 26, 2021. With regard to preparation for the next Call… Markovic Markovic2021-04-27 12:54:472021-04-27 13:20:50[:en]First online PCM Workshop was held within IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020[:sr]Одржана прва интернет радионица за припрему предлога пројеката у оквиру ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија–Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020[:ba]Održana prva internet radionica za pripremu prijedloga projekata u okviru IPA Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija–Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020[:]
Dear all,
The preparation of IPA III Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina for the next seven-year financial perspective 2021 – 2027 is in the final phase.
We would kindly ask you to read the 2nd … Markovic Markovic2021-04-14 23:38:052021-04-15 14:09:41[:en] Preparation of the new IPA III Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027-The Public Consultation [:sr]Припрема ИПА III Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија – Босна и Херцеговина 2021-2027- Јавне консултације[:ba]Priprema IPA III Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija – Bosna i Hercegovina 2021-2027 -Javne konsultacije[:]
Operating Structures of the Cross-border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 is organizing online workshops on project proposals preparation.
Workshops will be organized in two terms:
April 26, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to… Markovic Markovic2021-04-12 11:28:152021-04-12 12:18:07[:en]Workshops on Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020[:sr]Радионице за Припрему предлога пројеката за Програм прекограничне сарадње Србија-Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020[:ba]Radionice za Pripremu prijedloga projekata za Program prekogranične saradnje Srbija-Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020[:]
At the beginning of the year, the project "SAVE" was successfully completed, which aimed to preserve biodiversity in the river Drina. Also, protection of Serbian spruce was emphasized thought project activities.
Project gathered… Markovic Markovic2021-03-12 11:11:342021-03-12 11:14:01[:en]The preservation of biodiversity is most importantly a legacy for future generations[:sr]Очување биодиверзитета је најважније наслеђе будућих генерација[:ba]Očuvanje biodiverziteta je najvažnije nasleđe budućih generacija[:]
Under the Second Call for Proposals, Cross Border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020, three projects have been contract until now. The projects aim to improve sustainable environmental planning and promotion… Markovic Markovic2021-02-18 10:04:262021-02-18 10:10:20[:en]THREE PROJECTS HAVE BEEN CONTRACT UNDER THE SECOND CALL FOR PROPOSALS[:sr]У ОКВИРУ ДРУГОГ ПОЗИВА ЗА ПОДНОШЕЊЕ ПРЕДЛОГА ПРОЈЕКАТА УГОВОРЕНА ТРИ ПРОЈЕКАТА[:ba]U OKVIRU DRUGOG POZIVA ZA PODNOŠENJE PREDLOGA PROJEKATA UGOVORENA TRI PROJEKATA[:]
After 24 month, the project Museum Stories has completed realization of all activities .
The final conference gathered representatives of the media, the public and project partners. The conference was conducted by the City of Sarajevo… Markovic Markovic2020-12-29 18:37:232020-12-29 18:46:06[:en]The final virtual conference of the project Museum Stories was took place in Sarajevo on December 28, 2020[:sr]Завршна конференција пројекта Музејске приче одржана је виртуелним путем у Сарајеву 28. децембра 2020. године[:ba]Završna konferencija projekta “Muzejske priče” održana je virtuelnim putem u Sarajevu 28. decembra 2020. godine[:]
On Monday, December 28, 2020. the final presentation of the results of the project NeoLIFE was took place at the Pannonica Neolithic settlement within the Pannonian Lakes complex in Tuzla.
Svjetlana Kakeš, project manager, and… Markovic Markovic2020-12-29 17:57:352020-12-29 18:01:36[:en]The final results of the project Neolife was presented [:sr]Представљени резултати пројекта Неолифе[:ba]Predstavljeni rezultati projekta Neolife[:]
Cross-border Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro (2014-2020)
Publication reference: EuropeAid/170435/DD/ACT/BA
The Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina is seeking proposals for the “Cross-border… Markovic Markovic2020-12-28 16:37:322020-12-28 18:15:43[:en]Third Call for proposals announced under the Cross-border Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro (2014-2020)[:sr]Објављен трећи позив у оквиру Програма прекограничне сарадње Босна и Херцеговина – Црна Гора (2014-2020)[:ba]Objavljen treći poziv u okviru Programa prekogranične saradnje Bosna i Hercegovina – Crna Gora (2014-2020)[:]
On Thursday, December 24, 2020, the benefits of the "Museum Stories" project were presented in the garden of the Museum of Literature and Theater Arts of BiH.
The Museum of Literature and Theater Arts of BiH received valuable equipment within… Markovic Markovic2020-12-25 13:46:452020-12-28 11:54:09[:en]The successes of the "Museum Stories" project were presented at the Museum of Literature and Theater Arts of BiH[:sr]У Музеју књижевности и позоришне уметности БиХ презентовани су успеси пројекта "Музејске приче"[:ba]U Muzeju književnosti i pozorišne umjetnosti BiH prezentovani su uspesi projekta "Muzejske priče"[:]
At the conference, media representatives and other participants were introduced to the realized project activities of introducing primary waste selection in 6,400 households from Užice and Tuzla. The results that affect the improvement of sustainable… Markovic Markovic2020-12-21 21:48:122020-12-28 22:01:29[:en]The final conference of the project “Suburban recycling – Establishing system of waste management in suburban area of Uzice and Tuzla” was held at December 17, 2020 in Tuzla[:sr]У Тузли је одржана завршна конференција пројекта “Предграђа рециклирају – Успостављање система управљања отпадом у приградским насељима Ужица и Тузле” [:ba] U Tuzli je održana završna konferencija projekta “Predgrađa recikliraju – Uspostavljanje sistema upravljanja otpadom u prigradskim naseljima Užica i Tuzle” (SUBREC)[:]
Dear all,
The preparation of IPA III Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina for the next seven-year financial perspective 2021 - 2027 is in progress. At the very beginning of this process, we have asked you to… Markovic Markovic2020-12-11 11:19:412020-12-11 11:45:21[:en]Preparation of the new IPA III Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Hercegovina 2021-2027 [:sr]Припрема ИПА III Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија – Босна и Херцеговина 2021-2027 [:ba]Priprema IPA III Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija – Bosna i Hercegovina 2021-2027 [:]
The 7th National CBC conference traditionally organized by the Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia will take place in Belgrade, on 11 December 2020 starting at 10 a.m. Due to the Coronavirus outbreak and concerns regarding… Markovic Markovic2020-12-09 15:54:512020-12-09 16:04:15[:en]The 7th National CBC conference[:sr]Седма Национална конференција о прекограничној сарадњи[:ba]Sedma Nacionalna konferencija o prekograničnoj saradnji[:]
The exhibition "Vlade Divac - from Prijepolje to Springfield" was officially opened at November 12, 2020 in the Olympic Museum in Sarajevo. This exhibition is one of the activities of the project "Museum Stories", the opening was attended by… Markovic Markovic2020-12-01 12:17:592020-12-01 12:25:23[:en]Vlade Divac opened the exhibition in Sarajevo [:sr]Владе Дивац отворио изложбу у Сарајеву[:ba]Vlade Divac otvorio izložbu u Sarajevu[:]
In order to assess the effects of the implementation of the IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programmes, a survey is being carried out to make an assessment of the implementation of the CBC programmes between 2014 and 2019. The objective of the… Markovic Markovic2020-11-23 11:28:152020-11-23 16:56:53[:en]Mid-term Evaluation of CBC Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina [:sr]Истраживање ради процене ефеката спровођења Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија-Босна и Херцеговина[:ba]Istraživanje radi procene efekata sprovodjenja Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija-Bosna i Hercegovina[:]
It is time to develop the concept of "Zero Waste Municipalities" in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Events, News and eventsThe first training for employees in the administrations of the City of Užice was held within the BWL project
News and eventsFinal conference of the project
News and events"STEPIN TOGETHER WITH US INTO THE NEW EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES" was a slogan of the Opening Conference under the project "STEPin"
Events, News and eventsConference on the Future of Europe: A vivid Europe from below - Local authorities in the Western Balkan and their vision of a future Europe
News, News and eventsEmployment of vulnerable groups is the topic of the opening conference in Vogošća
Events, News and eventsThe Opening Conference of the project "Upgrading of the waste management public service capacities in cross border region" was held
News, News and eventsNature protection is an integral part of sustainable tourism
Events, News and eventsWithin the support of the "BWL" project, Uzice and Tuzla are working on a systematic resolving the problem of bulky waste management
News and eventsAn agreement on the realization of the project "Improve employability of people from vulnerable groups through provision of new knowledge and skills"was signed in Bogatić
Events, News and eventsThe second online Workshop on project cycle management was held on April 28, 2021
Events, News and eventsFirst online PCM Workshop was held within IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020
News and eventsPreparation of the new IPA III Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027-The Public Consultation
Events, News and eventsWorkshops on Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020
News, News and eventsThe preservation of biodiversity is most importantly a legacy for future generations
News, News and eventsThe final virtual conference of the project Museum Stories was took place in Sarajevo on December 28, 2020
Events, News and eventsThe final results of the project Neolife was presented
Events, News and eventsThird Call for proposals announced under the Cross-border Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro (2014-2020)
News, News and eventsThe successes of the "Museum Stories" project were presented at the Museum of Literature and Theater Arts of BiH
Events, News and eventsThe final conference of the project “Suburban recycling – Establishing system of waste management in suburban area of Uzice and Tuzla” was held at December 17, 2020 in Tuzla
Events, News and eventsPreparation of the new IPA III Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Hercegovina 2021-2027
Events, News and eventsThe 7th National CBC conference
News, News and eventsVlade Divac opened the exhibition in Sarajevo
Events, News and eventsMid-term Evaluation of CBC Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina
News, News and events