Four-coloured waste separation bins have arrived at Užice primary and secondary schools, thus this process is practically introduced between the pupils in city on Djetinja, Four-coloured bins: yellow for PET packaging, blue for paper, green… Stojanov Stojanov2013-05-20 11:38:402017-09-27 20:40:56[:sr]Postavljene kante za primarnu selekciju otpada u užičkim školama [:ba]Postavljene kante za primarnu selekciju otpada u užičkim školama [:en]Waste separation bins placed in Užice schools [:]
Press conference, organized by Caritas Sabac, was held on Friday, 17th May 2013 in the premises of Administration of the City of Sabac. The aim of the conference was to inform the wider community about the project "Strengthening professional… Stojanov Stojanov2013-05-17 16:38:122017-09-28 20:53:37[:sr]Održana konferencija za medije povodom početka realizacije EU projekta[:ba]Održana konferencija za medije povodom početka realizacije EU projekta[:en]Press conference was held on the beginning of the implementation of the EU project[:]
Workshop with the purpose to educate teachers and announce activities for collection of paper, plastic and aluminum cans was held on April 2013. On this occasion, the environmental section students made performance ' Not all waste is garbage… Stojanov Stojanov2013-05-13 13:31:162017-09-27 20:46:30[:sr]Elektrotehnička i Hemijske škola u Tuzli je spremna za uvođenje odvojenog sakupljanja otpada [:ba]Elektrotehnička i Hemijske škola u Tuzli je spremna za uvođenje odvojenog sakupljanja otpada [:en]Electro technical and Chemistry school in Tuzla are ready to recycle [:]
Representatives of Caritas Šabac visited Sarajevo, Fojnica and Kiseljak on 8. And 9. May 2013. Visit was organized within the implementation of project: „Strengthening professional adult education in rural areas", which is being implemented… Stojanov Stojanov2013-05-10 16:33:492017-09-28 20:49:52[:sr]Predstavnici Caritasa Šabac boravili u Bosni i Hercegovini[:ba]Predstavnici Caritasa Šabac boravili u Bosni i Hercegovini[:en]Caritas Šabac’s representatives visited Bosnia and Herzegovina[:]
On May 9th 2013. opening ceremony of the project „ Strenghtening professional adult education in rural areas“ was held in Kiseljak municipality.
Representatives of media, Cantonal Employment Service from Travnik, Municipalities and project… Stojanov Stojanov2013-05-09 14:08:542017-09-28 21:02:55[:sr]Ceremonija otvaranja u Kiseljaku[:ba]Ceremonija otvaranja u Kiseljaku[:en]Opening ceremony in Kiseljak[:]
Regional Development Agency Zlatibor started implementation of activities related to selection of SMEs that will participate within the EUMETAL 2 project - Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal… Stojanov Stojanov2013-04-30 14:35:092017-09-27 11:01:43[:sr]Održan Info dani u opštinama Požega, Priboj i gradu Užicu za firme iz metalske industrije [:ba]Održan Info dani u opštinama Požega, Priboj i gradu Užicu za firme iz metalske industrije [:en]Info days in Pozega, Priboj and Uzice for metal industry SMEs [:]
Project Agriculture Forecast – Reporting System (AFRS) in the Cross Border Region was presented to representatives in 8 local self-governments in Zlatibor region. Project is implementing within Second Call for Proposals of the CBC Programme… Stojanov Stojanov2013-04-30 09:15:422017-09-27 09:00:43[:sr]Prezentovan projekat „Prognozno - izveštajni sistem u poljoprivredi prekograničnog regiona“[:ba]Prezentovan projekat „Prognozno - izvještajni sistem u poljoprivredi prekograničnog regiona“[:en]Presented project Agriculture Forecast – Reporting System (AFRS) in the Cross Border Region [:]
Project title: SA-ŠA Support to cooperation, inclusion, education and promotion of Roma culture in BiH and Serbia
Axis: Measure 1.1 Social Cohesion
Budget: SRB € 155,052.17 & BIH € 140,082.00 Total…
On Wednesday, 26th April 2013, in the premises of Caritas Šabac, a meeting was held of local partners and associates in the project: "Strengthening professional adult education in rural areas", funded by the European Union pre-accession IPA… Stojanov Stojanov2013-04-26 11:44:282017-09-30 09:26:32[:sr]Sastanak partnera i saradnika na lokalnom nivou[:ba]Sastanak partnera i suradnika na lokalnom nivou[:en]Meeting of the partners and associates at the local level[:]
In primary in secondary schools in Užice, from April 23rd to 26th of 2013, were organized group info presentation on Primary waste selection in schools. Presentations were intended for pupils and teachers and were held in school rooms, with… Stojanov Stojanov2013-04-26 11:08:312017-09-30 09:33:35[:sr]Informativne prezentacije o primarnoj selekciji [:ba]Informativne prezentacije o primarnoj selekciji [:en]Info presentations on Primary Waste Selection in Užice Schools [:]
During April 2013, in 14 schools in Tuzla, 14 training sessions was conducted with school staff. Meetings were attended by 105 people, who are responsible for cleaning and janitors. During the meetings, the project "Establishment of the… Stojanov Stojanov2013-04-23 13:25:292017-09-30 09:37:30[:sr]Završena edukacija pomoćnog osoblja u 14 škola u Tuzli [:ba]Završena edukacija pomoćnog osoblja u 14 škola u Tuzli [:en]Completed education of school staff in 14 schools in Tuzla[:]
On Earth Day 22.04.2013 primary school "Mejdan", in cooperation with the PUC Komunalac and the Centre for Environment and Energy, has announced the introduction of the primary selection of waste (paper, plastic and aluminum cans) in your school.
On… Stojanov Stojanov2013-04-22 13:01:112017-09-30 09:41:38[:sr]Selekcija otpada OŠ Mejdan[:ba]Selekcija otpada OŠ Mejdan[:en]Waste selection in the Elementary School "Mejdan"[:]
Beneficiaries of the project: Primary School "Milan Munjaš" Ub, Serbia and secondary center "Jovan Cvijic" Modrica, Bosnia and Herzegovina Stojanov Stojanov2013-04-21 16:15:312017-09-26 15:11:48[:sr]MULTIMEDIJA U ŠKOLAMA - NAŠA VEZA SA SVETOM[:ba]MULTIMEDIJA U ŠKOLAMA - NAŠA VEZA SA SVIJETOM[:en]Multimedia in schools - Our connection to the world [:]
wo-day trainings for ecology section teachers in primary and secondary schools in Užice and Tuzla were held in last few weeks. Trainings were part of educational activities of project “Primary Waste Selection in Schools”. Training in… Stojanov Stojanov2013-04-20 11:14:232017-09-30 09:52:07[:sr]Realizovani treninzi za voditelje ekoloških sekcija u Užicu i Tuzli[:ba]Realizovani treninzi za voditelje ekoloških sekcija u Užicu i Tuzli[:en]Completed trainings for ecology section teachers in Užice and Tuzla[:]
On Wednesday, April, 2013 Regional Development Agency Zlatibor organized a press conference announcing the start of the project Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal industry- EUMETAL 2.
For… Stojanov Stojanov2013-04-10 14:32:232017-09-27 11:06:37[:sr]Konferencija za medije povodom početka projekta EUMETAL 2[:ba]Konferencija za medije povodom početka projekta EUMETAL 2[:en]Opening conference of the EUMETAL 2 project [:]
Project title: Development and Promotion of Health Tourism Spas in Cross-border Area of B&H-Serbia - CROSS SPA
Axis: 1.1, Economic development Amount requested: SRB € 183,031.32 & BIH € 269,121.90 Total…
Project title: Safe Food Region
Axis: Exchange of People and Ideas
Budget: SRB € 53,309.38 & BIH € 34,580.00 Total € 87,889.38
Applicants: Applicant 1 –…
At the ethno village Stanisic, near Bijeljina, on March 29th 2013. the first workshop was held as part of the project “Wise use of common natural resources - road to sustainability of the Serbia/BiH cross-border region”. This project is… Stojanov Stojanov2013-03-29 14:08:452017-09-29 12:33:43[:sr]Održana prva radionica[:ba]Održana prva radionica[:en]The first workshop held[:]
Operating Structures of the Cross-Border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, with the support of the Delegations of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and to Bosnia and Herzegovina, … 12:00:172019-03-16 05:09:29[:en]More than 120 instutions and 300 participants on Partner Search Forum in Tuzla [:sr]300 učesnika i preko 120 institucija na Forumu za traženje partnera u Tuzli [:ba]300 učesnika i preko 120 institucija na Forumu za traženje partnera u Tuzli [:]
Being a partners on the project "Bijeljina and Bogatic, together on the way towards energy sustainability through increasing energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy sources', international experts of the European Centre for… Stojanov Stojanov2013-03-25 14:11:152019-03-16 05:09:47[:en]Experts from the partner organization ”European Centre for Renewable Energy” (EEE) from Austria, visiting municipality of Bogatic March 25th-26th 2013[:sr]Poseta eksperata partnerske organizacije Evropskog centra za obnovljivu energiju (EEE) iz Austrije, Opštini Bogatić 25 – 26 marta 2013.godine[:ba]Posjeta eksperata partnerske organizacije Evropskog centra za obnovljivu energiju (EEE) iz Austrije, Opštini Bogatić 25 – 26 marta 2013.godine[:]
Project partners: Association Serbian Rural Tourism from Ljig, Serbia and Caritas International Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Project duration: March 2011–March 2013
The opening conference of project “Establishing the concept of primary waste selection in 28 schools in Užice and Tuzla” was held in Conference Hall of Užice Grammar School, on Thursday 21st March. Project is implementing in partnership… Stojanov Stojanov2013-03-21 10:58:532017-09-30 10:57:36[:sr]Početna konferencija projekta [:ba]Početna konferencija projekta [:en]Project Opening Conference [:]
Operating Structures of the Cross-Border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, with the support of the Delegations of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and to Bosnia and Herzegovina,… 12:00:102017-09-30 11:11:33[:sr]Forum za traženje partnera - Tuzla 28.3.2013.[:ba]Forum za traženje partnera - Tuzla 28.3.2013.[:en]Partner search forum - Tuzla March 28th 2013[:]
The European Integration Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia
in accordance with the Direct Grant Agreement with the European Union represented by European Commission for the Action entitled
“Technical Assistance… 12:00:142017-09-30 11:21:10[:sr]Oglas za poziciju Task Menadžera [:ba]Oglas za poziciju Task Menadžera [:en]Job Announcement - Task Manager [:]
The Directorate for European Integration of BiH and the Serbian European Integration Office as two Operating Structures of the Programme and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme , with the support from the Delegations of European… 12:00:562017-09-30 11:27:03[:sr]Održana radionica o najčešćim greškama u Banji Vrujci [:ba]Održana radionica o najčešćim greškama u Banji Vrujci [:en]Workshop on the most common errors in Banja Vrujci[:]
Waste separation bins placed in Užice schools
News and events, Uspostavljanje sistema primarne selekcije otpada u školama u Užicu i TuzliPress conference was held on the beginning of the implementation of the EU project
Jačanje profesionalne edukacije odrsalih u ruralnim sredinama, News and eventsElectro technical and Chemistry school in Tuzla are ready to recycle
News and events, Uspostavljanje sistema primarne selekcije otpada u školama u Užicu i TuzliCaritas Šabac’s representatives visited Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jačanje profesionalne edukacije odrsalih u ruralnim sredinama, News and eventsOpening ceremony in Kiseljak
Jačanje profesionalne edukacije odrsalih u ruralnim sredinama, News and eventsInfo days in Pozega, Priboj and Uzice for metal industry SMEs
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2Presented project Agriculture Forecast – Reporting System (AFRS) in the Cross Border Region
News and events, Prognozno izveštajni sistem u poljoprivredi prekograničnog regionaProject Overview
SA-ŠA Podrška saradnji, inkluziji, obrazovanju i promociji romske kulture u BiH i SrbijiMeeting of the partners and associates at the local level
Jačanje profesionalne edukacije odrsalih u ruralnim sredinama, News and eventsInfo presentations on Primary Waste Selection in Užice Schools
News and events, Uspostavljanje sistema primarne selekcije otpada u školama u Užicu i TuzliCompleted education of school staff in 14 schools in Tuzla
News and events, Uspostavljanje sistema primarne selekcije otpada u školama u Užicu i TuzliWaste selection in the Elementary School "Mejdan"
News and events, Uspostavljanje sistema primarne selekcije otpada u školama u Užicu i TuzliMultimedia in schools - Our connection to the world
Multimedija u školama - naša veza sa svetom, Projekti I pozivCompleted trainings for ecology section teachers in Užice and Tuzla
News and events, Uspostavljanje sistema primarne selekcije otpada u školama u Užicu i TuzliOpening conference of the EUMETAL 2 project
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2Project Overview
Razvoj i promocija zdravstvenog turizma u prekograničnom području Srbija – BiH (CROSS SPA)Project Overview
Region bezbedne hraneThe first workshop held
Mudro korišćenje zajedničkih prirodnih resursa – put ka održivosti prekograničnog regiona Srbija/BiH, News and eventsMore than 120 instutions and 300 participants on Partner Search Forum in Tuzla
News and eventsExperts from the partner organization ”European Centre for Renewable Energy” (EEE) from Austria, visiting municipality of Bogatic March 25th-26th 2013
Bijeljina I Bogatić zajedno na putu energetske održivosti kroz povećanje energetske efikasnosti i promocije obnovljivih izvora energije, News and eventsSUPPORT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL TOURISM DESTINATIONS ON RAJAC AND VRANICA MOUNTAINS
Podrška razvoju ruralnih turističkih destinacija na planinama Rajac i Vranica, Projekti I pozivProject Opening Conference
News and events, Uspostavljanje sistema primarne selekcije otpada u školama u Užicu i TuzliPartner search forum - Tuzla March 28th 2013
News and eventsJob Announcement - Task Manager
News and eventsWorkshop on the most common errors in Banja Vrujci
News and events