Final conference of EUMETAL 2 project
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2The final Conference of the project „Increasing compettiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross border links in metal industry EUMETAL 2“ was held in Uzice, in the Small stage premises of the National Theater on Thursday, November 20th,…

Companies from Serbia and B&H at the Fair of subcontractors in Paris
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2The fair MIDEST 2014 the most important world event for subcontracting in industry, was held in Paris, France from November 4t to 7th, 2014.
Thanks to the CBC project „Increasing compettiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross border…

Training need analysis in metal sector companies in cross-border area
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2Trained personnel and skilled workers are one of the most important factors that can improve development and increase productivity in the metal industry and therefore companies should invest in human resource development because it is the only…

Fair – an easy way to new clients
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2Hanover , Germany - colors, crowd and tulips. Two hundred thousand of these flowers were set up in honor of the Netherlands , this year's partner country of Hannover Fair. The exhibition area has covered 27 halls with five thousand exhibitors.…

Training for managers and employees in metal sector companies in Sarajevo
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2Within the project “Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal industry – EUMETAL 2, a two-day training for managers and employees in metal sector companies in cross-border area was organized…

Project team meeting EUMETAL2
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2EUMETAL2 project team members held third joint meeting in “Park” hotel in Rogatica on 9th December 2013, with the aim to agree on details of the future implementation activities, which are planned within the project.
After successfully…

Joint meeting of EUMETAL 2 Project Team
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2Second joint meeting of EUMTEAL 2 Project team was held on 18 july. 2013 in Andricgrad in Visegrad, with the aim to discuss implementation of activities planned within the Project.
After successful B2B meeting held in Sarajevo by beginning…

B2B meeting in Sarajevo within EUMETAL 2 project
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2Within EUMETAL 2 project - Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal industry, Regional Development Agency Zlatibor and Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency, organized B2B meeting of the companies…

Signature of Partnership Agreement
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2Ceremony of partnership agreement signature related to the project Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal industry – EUMETAL 2 was organized on 6 June, 2013 in the premises of Sarajevo Economic…

Info days in Pozega, Priboj and Uzice for metal industry SMEs
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2Regional Development Agency Zlatibor started implementation of activities related to selection of SMEs that will participate within the EUMETAL 2 project - Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal…

Opening conference of the EUMETAL 2 project
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2On Wednesday, April, 2013 Regional Development Agency Zlatibor organized a press conference announcing the start of the project Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal industry- EUMETAL 2.

Project Overview
Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2
Project title: Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross border links in metal industry - EUMETAL2
Axis: Economic Development
Budget: SRB € 181,320.48 & BIH € 184,111.81 Total…