Project title: Environment friendly, New and Organic approach to Agriculture in the cross border region of Bosnia and Herzegovina  – ENO AgriAxis:  Measure 1.2

Budget: SRB € 150,123.75 & BIH € 239,190.00                        Total € 389,313.75

Applicants:  Applicant 1 – Directorate for Agriculture and Commodity Reserves of the City of Valjevo

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Applicant 2 – Union of Associations of organic producers of the Federation BiH


Partners: Applicant 1’s partners – Regional Chamber of Commerce Valjevo

Applicant 2’s partners – Sarajevo Economic Regional Development Agency SERDA

Duration of the Action:  20 months

Overall objective: Improvement of the competitiveness of the rural cross border area of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia through enhancement of agriculture.
Specific objectives: Strengthening and enhancement of organic agricultural production and capacity building in this sector.
Target groups:  TG1: Associations of organic producers in BiH and Serbia:

TG 2: producers of organic products/Farm holders and workers:

TG 3: The manufacturers producing organic food:.

TG 4: Certification organizations:

TG 5: Traders and merchandisers:

TG 6: Consumers:

Final beneficiaries: The FB1 are producers with certified organic production, either personal business or associations of farmers

FB 2 Potential producers of organic products:

FB 3 Inhabitants of the project area:

FB 4 Consumers:.

Estimated results of the action:

1. Provide a clear picture about the potential of the organic agriculture in this particular cross border region;

2. Provide an inventory of current organic food producers in order to initiate a close cooperation, exchange of best practices as well as to motivate existing farms to consider a transfer into organic farms;

3. Strengthening of the capacities in the organic agricultural sector and Transfer of Know How between the partners;

4. Provide the organic products of the cross border region with a common organic brand, which will operate as a marketing tool and will enhance the promotion of the organic products and its broader representation on the market;

5. Promotion of the regional brand through the services of an engaged Product selling Agency in the EU;

6. Raising awareness for the organic agriculture and products, its high quality and the benefits of the organic agriculture for the environment.

Main activities:

Organisation of cross border educational trainings on organic production Creative Days

Joint study visit to a successful organic farm

Joint study visit to an organic food fair in the EU

Establishment of a “Center of excellence” in Sarajevo and reinforcement of the “Centers of excellence” in Sjenica and Valjevo

Analyses of the strategies of the EU policy on enhancement of organic agriculture and analysis of the needs of organic agriculture on the EU market

Promotion of the organic agriculture and the regional brand

Web site creation

Organization of organic agriculture events for kids (specially adressing the disabled children to joint this events)

Organization of a regional fair for all identified beneficiaries