Project title: Development and Promotion of Health Tourism Spas in Cross-border Area of B&H-Serbia – CROSS SPA
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Axis1.1, Economic development Amount requested: SRB € 183,031.32 & BIH € 269,121.90                        Total € 452,153.22
Applicants:  Applicant 1 – Local Democracy Foundation – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina
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Applicant 2 – Tourism Organization of Western Serbia – Uzice, Serbia

Partners: Applicant 1’s partners – Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency SERDA Applicant 2’s partners – Regional Development Agency Zlatibor

Duration of the Action:  18 months

Overall objective: Enhancing regional cooperation and sustainable economic development of cross-border area (BiH-Serbia) through the development of new tourism form The action aiming to contribute towards to improving regional cooperation and economic development of border areas through the establishment of specific cross-border joint tourist offers , whereby offers will be treated as a segment of the development of new health tourism product.
Specific objectives: Development and Placement of a new joint health tourism product – integrated unified tourist offer of health tourism cross-border region. Increasing the capacity of offer of healthcare tourism in cross-border region through expansion of assortment of tourism products in the segment that promote healthy living and responsibility for own health. The action is intended to achieve mentioned specific objectives contributing to the overall objectives..
Target groups:   management and  employees of the spa and health tourism cross-border area, 100 employees in 6 spa / health resorts, 80 employees in the 80 tourism organizations (community) in the cross-border area, 80 tour-operators and travel agencies from Serbia and B&H and 30 from the region and EU countries, 20 media representatives from B&H, Serbia and other regional countries, 20 NGO representatives from B&H and Serbia.
Final beneficiaries: Local authorities and relevant ministries, associations from turism sectors, local and foreign, population of the program area, local people in target municipalities, the tourism sector in both countries.
Estimated results of the action: – Inventory and assessment of health tourism potentials conducted – Established framework for health tourism running – Unique joint health tourism product created – Health tourism product promoted
Main activities: 1. Developing of study/analysis on health tourism potential in cross-border area 2. Presenting of results given in the study/analysis on health tourism potential in cross-border area The feasibility analysis-will cover the entire programme area and  will serve as an excellent basis for the development of new of joint tourism product as involving all stakeholders in the activity of the project. 3. Strengthening human resources capacity in health tourism in cross-border area through training on the EU standards of health tourism 4. Strengthening human resources capacity in health tourism in cross-border area through training on new trends and standards of the health tourism – hospitality industry 5. Transfer of knowledge: Healthy living 6. Developing tourism infrastructure in health tourism This activities will benefit the targeted beneficiaries and to improve institutional and infrastructure capacities in 2 target cross-border areas. Employees of the health spas in the cross-border areas, (100 in 6 spa / health resorts)further qualified and trained in the use of contemporary trends in the industry of tourism through specialist trainings will provide better services and thereby contribute to a stronger market positioning of the spa centers. Centre for healthy living and weight loss will be established as a separate department within the spa “Aquaterm” Olovo based on the experiences and good practice of the Special Hospital Čigota in Zlatibor in order to develop innovative forms of health tourism. 7. Creating of joint health tourism product in cross-border area Support to joint innovative actions aimed at introducing new tourist practices through  Public private dialogue on health tourism  50  stakeholders in each cross-border area are able to participate in health tourism product development; 8. Promotion of new health-tourism product 9. Closing project conference and study tours for tour operators and media representatives