Joint meeting of EUMETAL 2 Project Team

Second joint meeting of EUMTEAL 2 Project team was held on 18 july. 2013 in Andricgrad in Visegrad, with the aim to discuss implementation of activities planned within the Project. After successful B2B meeting held in Sarajevo by beginning…

Safe Food Region project - opening conference

On July 17th 2013 opening conference of the project Safe Food Region was held in premises of Regional Chamber of Commerce Valjevo. Representatives of Regional Chamber of Commerce Valjevo, Aleksandar Jovanovic and Mirjana Djordjevic and representatives…

Promotional and educational campaign “Easy for Anyone”

Within the promotional and educational activities of the Project, filming of video that promotes concept of primary waste selection in schools in two cities is finished. The author`s intention was to bring primary selection of waste closer to…

Workshop for potential applicants for 3rd CfP IPA CBC SER-BIH held in Loznica on July 4th, 2013

The Serbian European Integration Office and the Directorate for European Integration of BiH as two Operating Structures of the Programme and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, with the support from the Delegations of European…

B2B meeting in Sarajevo within EUMETAL 2 project

Within EUMETAL 2 project - Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal industry, Regional Development Agency Zlatibor and Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency, organized B2B meeting of the companies…

Analysis of achieved changes in the Roma community in the time period 2005-2013

Within the implementation of the cross-border project "SAŠA – Support to Cooperation, Inclusion, Education and Promotion of Roma Culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia', Conference „Analysis of achieved changes in the Roma community…

Workshop for potential applicants for 3rd CfP IPA CBC SER-BIH in Loznica July 4th, 2013

Operating Structures of the Cross-Border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, with the support of the Delegations of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and to Bosnia and Herzegovina,…

Meeting of the Committee for the Supervision of the project

On Thursday, 13th June 2013, in the premises of Caritas Sabac, a meeting of partners and associates in the project "Strengthening professional adult education in rural areas", which is implemented within the Second Call of cross-border cooperation…

Signature of Partnership Agreement

Ceremony of partnership agreement signature related to the project Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal industry – EUMETAL 2 was organized  on 6 June, 2013 in the premises of Sarajevo Economic…

Eco-quizzes in Užice and Tuzla primary schools

On June 4, first ecological quiz on recycling and primary waste selection for school age pupils from 7 primary schools in Užice who are attending ecology sections, was held in primary school “Slobodan Sekulić”. 6 pairs of 12 pupils were…

Tuzla teachers visited Užice colleagues

Last weekeng, teacher of ecology sections in Tuzla primary and secondary schools, who are enrolled in project “Schools Waste Less”, visited Užice. Teachers from Tuzla wanted to meet Užice colleagues before they go together to Tara…

First waste shipments transported from schools to “Duboko”

On Friday, May 31st, technical service of PUC “Duboko” have organized first collecting of selected waste in Užice schools. Cleaning staff of 12 primary and secondary schools helped in waste collecting and waste has been sent to Regional…

As a part of the project, Bijeljina has installed two "Strawberry Tree" solar chargers

On Thursday 30th May 2013th , at 14:00 pm, in front of the Cultural Centre in Bijeljina, the two Mayors Mico Micic, of Bijeljina and Slobodan Savic, of Bogatic, along with the EU Delegation to BiH representative -  Mr. Paul Smid have put into…

Contract Award Ceremony for devoted participation in the Second Call for Proposals

On May 30, 2013, in Ethno village “Stanisici” Operating Structures of the Cross-Border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, with the support of the Delegations of the European Union…

Conference "Best practice models in forecast-reporting systems” in Sarajevo

On May 28th and 29th project Agriculture Forecast – Reporting System (AFRS) in the Cross Border Region held conference with aim to transfer experience and best practices in applying forecast-reporting systems in agriculture. Read more

Last implementation workshop for beneficiaries from 2nd CfP conducted in Sarajevo

Implementation workshop for the representatives of 14 institutions - beneficiaries from 2nd CfP was conducted in Sarajevo on May 23rd and 24th. Trainees had opportunity to get familiar with all aspects necessary for successful project implementation…

Waste separation bins placed in Užice schools

Four-coloured waste separation bins have arrived at Užice primary and secondary schools, thus this process is practically introduced between the pupils in city on Djetinja, Four-coloured bins: yellow for PET packaging, blue for paper, green…

Press conference was held on the beginning of the implementation of the EU project

Press conference, organized by Caritas Sabac, was held on Friday, 17th May 2013 in the premises of Administration of the City of Sabac. The aim of the conference was to inform the wider community about the project "Strengthening professional…

Electro technical and Chemistry school in Tuzla are ready to recycle

Workshop with the purpose to educate teachers and  announce activities for collection of paper, plastic and aluminum cans was held on April 2013.  On this occasion,  the environmental section students made performance ' Not all waste is garbage…

Caritas Šabac’s representatives visited Bosnia and Herzegovina

Representatives of Caritas Šabac visited Sarajevo, Fojnica and Kiseljak on 8. And 9. May 2013. Visit was organized within the implementation of project: „Strengthening professional adult education in rural areas", which is being implemented…

Opening ceremony in Kiseljak

On May 9th 2013. opening ceremony of the project „ Strenghtening professional adult education in rural areas“ was held in Kiseljak municipality. Representatives of media, Cantonal Employment Service from Travnik, Municipalities and project…

Info days in Pozega, Priboj and Uzice for metal industry SMEs

Regional Development Agency Zlatibor started implementation of activities related to selection of SMEs that will participate within the EUMETAL 2 project - Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal…

Presented project Agriculture Forecast – Reporting System (AFRS) in the Cross Border Region

Project Agriculture Forecast – Reporting System (AFRS) in the Cross Border Region was presented to representatives in 8 local self-governments in Zlatibor region. Project is implementing within Second Call for Proposals of the CBC Programme…

Meeting of the partners and associates at the local level

On Wednesday, 26th April 2013, in the premises of Caritas Šabac, a meeting was held of local partners and associates in the project: "Strengthening professional adult education in rural areas", funded by the European Union pre-accession IPA…