Entries by Irena Markovic

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Project Opening Conference HEAL

The HEAL (Healthy Ageing in the Cross-Border Region) project focuses on enhancing our senior citizens’ well-being by improving access to vital healthcare and preventive services in rural areas.   Recently, a conference was held to kickstart this remarkable endeavour, where esteemed speakers from the European Union Delegation in Serbia, the Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, and […]

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EU Opportunity Week

The final day of the European Week of Opportunities took place in Niš, where a trilateral agreement was signed, securing €3.6 million in funding for the second phase of the Serbia-North Macedonia Cross-Border Cooperation Program. This agreement holds significant importance as it will provide vulnerable citizen groups with access to social and healthcare services, with […]

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Project E-CrossPass – Opening Conference

TUZLA – The opening conference of the project Strengthening the Pedestrian Corridor in the Cross-Border Area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina – E-CrossPass took place yesterday in Tuzla. E-CrossPass project is co-financed by the European Union within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina within IPA II 2014-2020. The contract has been signed between […]

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Kick Off Conference “Via Dinarica: Green Trail Above Borders”

Project partners Regional Development Agency Zlatibor, Terra Dinarica and Municipality of Vareš hosted a Kick Off Conference in Sarajevo on 23.05.2023. The project Via Dinarica: Green Trail Above Borders is co-financed by the European Union within the IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020. The project aims to contribute to the socio-economic development […]


Implementation workshop for the awarded grant beneficiaries within the 3rd Call for Proposals was held

Implementation workshop for the awarded grant beneficiaries within the 3rd Call for Proposals for the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–BiH 2014-2020 was held on April 27, 2023, in the premises of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia. With regard to provide support to grant beneficiaries in implemetation of the project, the workshop was […]


Project completed and increased chances for employment of people from vulnerable groups

Press conference was organized in Bogatić on the occasion of completion of the project Improving employability of people from vulnerable groups through provision of new knowledge and skills. Project was implemented in partnership by Caritas Šabac, Municipality of Bogatić, Centre for Training, Retraining and Professional Rehabilitation of people with disabilities and other categories difficult to […]


3rd CfP CBC SRB BIH Implementing manual

  Dear beneficiaries, Please, be informed that Implementing manual for 3rd CfP is published on our website.   The document providing detailed guidance for Project Partners of the approved projects in the implementation phase, from contracting to project closure including reporting obligations, payment of IPA Funds and other programme-related requirements. Implementation packages  could be found […]


Final Conference of the project Improved Emergency Preparedness & Coordinated Response in Cross-Border Area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBC -IePCR)

Final conference of the project Improved Emergency Preparedness & Coordinated Response in Cross-Border Area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBC -IePCR) took place in Bajina Bašta on February 28, 2028. Marko Čalija, member of the Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia pointed out that the valuable rescue and medical equipment purchased within the project will […]


We’ve counted to zero! – Final conference of the project “Zero Waste Municipality”

The final conference within the project  “Zero Waste Municipality”  was held on February 23 and 24, 2023 in Divčibare. The conference has aimed to present the results of project implementation as well as the experiences of direct beneficiaries. More than 85 participants, representatives of public utility companies, representatives of municipal administrations and educational institutions from […]


Training for a personal assistant was held in the Center for professional development in Šabac

Under the project “Improve employability of people from vulnerable groups through provision of new knowledge and skills” training for a personal assistant was held in the Center for professional development in Šabac from 23.01. until 25.01.2023. The training, in which 21 participants participated, was accredited by the Republic Employment Institute. Participants who successfully complete the […]

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Training for the Civil Protection Mechanism and Operational Management of the European Union has begun

The project Copris  strengthens the human resources capacity of the city administration, in the field of protection and rescue, in accordance with the procedures of the European Union. In order to achieve this goal, in January and February, trainings of the mechanism of civil protection and operational management of the European Union will be held. […]



Dear beneficiaries, applicants and potential applicants, In order to prevent situations that may lead to double financing, and therefore to financial and legal consequences for the beneficiary, we draw attention to the obligation that each applicant undertakes by participating in the public call for the award of the contract, that is, by signing the Declaration […]


Training “Preparedness and response in natural disasters” was held in Arilje

The Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia and the Tara Mountaineering Club held a training course “Preparedness and response in natural disasters” for the students of the high school “Sveti Ahilija” in Arilje, as well as for pensioners in Arilje, The training was organized within the project   “Improved Emergency Preparedness & Coordinated Response in Cross-Border […]


The second part of the training “Project cycle management ” was held in Brod

The second part of the training  “Project cycle management ” was held in Brod on December 14, 2022. The trainings are certified by accredited i Institution for adult education –Social educational centre -Banja Luka and “EDUKA-BiH” from Tešnj. The topic of the next training session will be the establishment and operation of social enterprises. All […]



The Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with the Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Zlatibor administrative district and the Energis Association, organized B2B meetings of metal and wood industry companies under the project  “Enhance”.  The B2B meeting held on December 15, 2022, at the Austria & Bosnia Hotel […]


The Eighth National Conference on Territorial Cooperation  was held on December 14

The Eighth National Conference on Territorial Cooperation  was held on December 14 at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade.  The Minister of European Integration, Tanja Miščević, presented today the results of Serbia’s territorial cooperation programme with the countries of the EU and the region and pointed out that in the period from 2004 to […]

“Gastro Day” was held in Ruma

On Thursday, November 3rd 2022 Head of Operations II of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Martin Klaucke visited Secondary Vocational School “Branko Radičević” in Ruma. Klaucke had a chance to see a newly equipped school kitchen as well as to attend the event organized within the EU funded project “Healthy and safety gastronomic products as […]

The project “Improved Emergency Preparedness & Coordinated Response in Cross-Border Area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBC -IePCR)“ presented results and held a rescue exercise from fast waters on the Drin

  Under the project “Improving readiness for emergency interventions and coordinated response in the border area of ​​Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina”, a three-day rescue exercise from fast waters on the Drina was held near Bajina Bašta. The exercise was held in the period from October 14 to 16, 25 rescuers from the mountain rescue […]


Citizens from three municipalities in BiH start with waste selection

On Monday, September 5, 2022, the official handover of the equipment procured as part of the project “Municipalities with zero waste” was performed. The acquired equipment will facilitate the work of utility companies in the area of Ilijaš, Sarajevo Centar and Visoko municipalities. Thought the project envisaged the procurement and allocation of the following equipment: […]