The HEAL (Healthy Ageing in the Cross-Border Region) project focuses on enhancing our senior citizens’ well-being by improving access to vital healthcare and preventive services in rural areas.

  Recently, a conference was held to kickstart this remarkable endeavour, where esteemed speakers from the European Union Delegation in Serbia, the Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, and partner organizations such as the Red Cross of Vojvodina and the Red Cross of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina shared their insights and support.

During the event, the project team unveiled the HEAL project’s objectives, upcoming activities, and events that will focus on introducing innovative healthcare and preventive services specifically designed for our elderly population in the border region.

Key speakers, including representatives from the Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina and the Inđija Health Center, shed light on the health challenges faced by our senior citizens and shared their expertise in managing and addressing age-related illnesses.

Supported by the European Union and co-financed by local authorities, the HEAL project has a budget of €254,447.77, with a significant contribution of €216,280.60 from the European Union.