The Research team FSPE successfully started parent education in kindergartens

The first parent education was held on Thursday, February 20, 2014 as one of the activities of the Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the last meeting held on February 5, 2014 the Project team FSPE has decided to start…

Successfully commenced training program for parents in Ruma

Training program devoted to preschool children’s parents successfully commenced at Preschool Institution “Poletarac“ in Ruma on the 19th of February, 2014. The presentation commenced at 5 pm according to the schedule. Parents who were…

Establishment of Regional Employment Council

Mayor of Šabac, Miloš Miloševic and the mayors of Bogatic, Vladimirci and Koceljeva: Nenad Beserovac, Vladica Markovic and Veroljub Matic, have signed the Agreement on association and the establishment of the Regional Employment Council of…

The meeting of the project partners held in Belgrade

The meeting of project partners – Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska and the Center for Equitable regional Development was organized on February 18, 2014 in Belgrade. During the meeting the representatives of both organizations…

The seminar in Srebrenica for participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

The partner organizations - Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska and Center for Equitable Regional Development - CenTriR organized a seminar for 32 secondary school students from eight border municipalities and cities in Bosnia-Herzegovina…

Transfer of positive experiences in health programs development by Specialized Hospital Cigota

Within the implementation of the CROSS SPA project activities, expert team of Specialised Hospital Cigota from Zlatibor transferred twenty-five years long experience and good practice in the creation and promotion of health programmes to the…