New Project Beneficiaries in Užice!
News and events, Uspostavljanje sistema primarne selekcije otpada u školama u Užicu i TuzliBecause of the undoubted actuality of this theme and ubiquitous need for an adequate attitude towards municipal waste , the results of the introduction of the primary waste selection in schools are more visible and positive reactions are numerous.…
Jačanje profesionalne edukacije odrsalih u ruralnim sredinama, News and eventsIn hotel “Sunce” from 28 to 30 of March 2014, Caritas Bishops’ conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina organized training for trainers. Training is a part of project “Strengthening professional adult education in rural areas” IPA Cross-border…
Action plan development workshop
Mudro korišćenje zajedničkih prirodnih resursa – put ka održivosti prekograničnog regiona Srbija/BiH, News and eventsWithin the project "Wise use of common natural resources - road to sustainability of the Serbia/BiH cross-border region" in sports and recreational complex "Sunny River", near Banja Koviljaca since 26 until 28 March 2014. Was held a three-day…
Sofka Nikolić Roma Culture Days and Nights
News and events, SA-ŠA Podrška saradnji, inkluziji, obrazovanju i promociji romske kulture u BiH i SrbijiThe two-day event "Days of Roma culture and Sofka Nikolić Evenings", which is implemented in the framework of cross-border project between the B&H and Serbia under the title "Support to cooperation, inclusion, education and the promotion…
Invitation: Roma Culture and Tradition Days and Nights
News and events, SA-ŠA Podrška saradnji, inkluziji, obrazovanju i promociji romske kulture u BiH i SrbijiAll media are kindly invited to report on two cultural and artistic events within the cross-border project in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Serbia "Support to cooperation, inclusion, education and the promotion of Roma culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina…
Press Release: Does the youth in Serbia have a right to be dissatisfied with its status?
Mladi – najznačajnija pokretačka snaga regiona, News and eventsThe answer to this question is provided in a comprehensive analysis of the Center for Equitable Regional Development (CenTriR) which reveals different aspects of the implementation of youth policies in municipalities and cities that are located…