It is our pleasure to inform the public that the Online Info Session related launching of the 3rd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020 will be organized on April 4, 2022.
The… Markovic Markovic2022-04-01 10:18:002022-04-01 10:26:33[:en]Info Session related launching of the 3rd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020[:sr]Информативна сесија поводом објаве Трећег позива за подношење предлога пројеката у оквиру Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија- Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020[:ba]Informativna sesija povodom objave Trećeg poziva za podnošenje prijedloga projekata u okviru Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija- Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020[:]
The project “Improved Emergency Preparedness & Coordinated Response in Cross-Border Area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBC -IePCR)“ conducted the first training for 25 participants in mastering skiing skills. The training took… Markovic Markovic2022-03-28 11:57:472022-03-28 15:03:29[:en]The first training in mastering skiing skills was conducted on Bjelašnica Mountain[:sr]На Бјелашници је одржан први тренинг усавршавања технике алпског скијања[:ba]Na Bjelašnici je održan prvi trening usavršavanja tehnike alpskog skijanja[:]
On the occasion of recently launched 3rd Call for Proposals for the Cross-Border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina under the IPA II 2014-2020 the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia, Department for Contracting and Financing… Markovic Markovic2022-03-25 09:57:172022-03-25 09:59:21[:en]Info session registration[:sr]Регистрација за информативну сесију[:ba]Registracija za informativnu sesiju[:]
Info session and Partner Search Forum on the occasion of the launching of the Third Call for Proposals under the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 was held at Monday, March 21, 2022. It was organized… Markovic Markovic2022-03-21 16:13:032022-03-21 16:16:35[:en]Info session and Partner Search Forum was held at Monday, March 21, 2022.[:sr]Одржана прва Информативна сесија и Форум за подстицање партнерстава поводом објаве Трећег позива[:ba]Održana prva Informativna sesija i Forum za podsticanje partnerstava povodom objave Trećeg poziva[:]
Kick-off Conference on the occasion of the launching of the Third Call for Proposals within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina took place took place on Friday, March 18, 2022 in the Specialized Rehabilitation… Markovic Markovic2022-03-18 15:27:552022-03-18 16:14:55[:en]3.20 milion EUR for the cross-border projects between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina[:sr]3.20 милиона евра опредељено за прекограничне пројекте Србије и Босне и Херцеговине[:ba]3.20 miliona eura opredijeljeno za prekogranične projekte Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine[:]
It is our pleasure to inform the public that the Online Info Session and Partner Search Forum related launching of the 3rd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020 will be organized on… Markovic Markovic2022-03-18 13:50:552022-03-18 14:56:42[:en]Info Session and Partner Search Forum related launching of the 3rd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020[:sr]Информативна сесија и Форум за подстицање партнерстава поводом објаве Трећег позива за подношење предлога пројеката у оквиру Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија- Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020[:ba]Informativna sesija i Forum za podsticanje partnerstava povodom objave Trećeg poziva za podnošenje prijedloga projekata u okviru Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija- Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020[:]
It is our pleasure to inform the public that the online Kick-off conference-related launching of the 3rd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020 will be held on March 18, 2022, at… Markovic Markovic2022-03-17 10:58:562022-03-17 11:02:19[:en]Kick-off conference related launching of the 3rd CfP will be held on March 19, 2022[:sr]Конференција поводом отварања Трећег позива за подношење предлога пројеката[:ba]Konferencija povodom otvaranja Trećeg poziva za podnošenje prijedloga projekata[:]
On the occasion of recently launched 3rd Call for Proposals for the Cross-Border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina under the IPA II 2014-2020 the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia, Department for Contracting and Financing… Markovic Markovic2022-03-11 10:08:242022-03-17 11:46:44[:en]Announcement of the events on the occasion of the launching of the 3rd Call for Proposals within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020[:sr]Најава догађаја Трећи позив за достављање предлога пројеката у оквиру Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија-Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020[:ba]Najava događaja Treći poziv za dostavljanje prijedloga projekata u okviru Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija-Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020[:]
The Ministry of European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, as Contracting Authority, launches call for expression of the interest for the assessment of the project proposals received under the:
3rd Call for… Markovic Markovic2022-03-11 08:15:412022-03-11 10:03:00[:en]Call for expression of interest for the assessment of the 3rd CfP[:sr]Конкурс за ангажовање оцењивача предлога пројеката[:ba]Konkurs za angažovanje ocjenjivača prijedloga projekata[:]
We are glad to inform public that the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and… Markovic Markovic2022-03-09 07:30:372022-03-09 10:50:47[:en]3rd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 has been launched[:sr]Објављен Трећи позив за достављање предлога пројеката у оквиру ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија-Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020[:ba]Objavljen Treći poziv za dostavljanje prijedloga projekata u okviru IPA Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija-Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020[:]
During the official presentation of the document "Analysis of the regional status of innovation and industrial priorities", one of the conclusions was "Sustainable investment in infrastructure and innovation is a key initiator of economic growth… Markovic Markovic2022-03-07 16:49:112022-03-07 17:30:23[:en]Initiative for improving the innovation of the economy of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina through the project "Enhance"[:sr]Иницијатива за побољшање иновативности привреде Србије и БИХ кроз пројекат "Enhance"[:ba]Inicijativa za poboljšanje inovativnosti privrede Srbije i BIH kroz projekat "ENHANCE"[:]
One of the activities of the STEPin project is the organization of online education, which was specially created for the purpose of strengthening the prospects of employability in the sector for sports for people with disabilities. Education… Markovic Markovic2022-03-04 17:14:532022-03-04 17:28:16[:en]Оn two STEPin platforms 15 modules will be available as part of online training[:sr]15 модула биће доступно у оквиру онлине едукације на две СТЕПин платформе[:ba]15 modula biće dostupno u okviru online edukacije na dvije STEPin platforme[:]
Within the project "Zero waste municipalities" a training program entitled "Training of initiatives for the introduction of the concept of zero waste in local communities" was held on February 24 and 25, 2022.
The aim of the training was… Markovic Markovic2022-03-01 12:41:252022-03-01 13:12:54[:en]Training program entitled "Training of initiatives for the introduction of the concept of zero waste in local communities" was held[:sr]Одржан тренинг програм под називом "Oбука иницијатива за увођење концепта нула отпада у локалним заједницама"[:ba]Održan trening program pod nazivom "Provedba inicijativa za uvođenje koncepta nula otpada u lokalnim zajednicama"[:]
Project Improving Fire Emergency Management System in the cross-border area of B&H and Serbia, is being realized according to the action plan. Trainings were conducted, equipment was procured, a fire protection plan was prepared, but the… Markovic Markovic2022-02-22 10:16:292022-02-23 15:33:12[:en]Rescue equipment for rescue from heights additionally improved the Rogatica territorial Fire Brigade [:sr]Опремом за спашавање са висине додатно унапређена ватрогасна јединица Рогатица[:ba]Opremom za spašavanje sa visine dodatno unapređena vatrogasna jedinica Rogatica[:]
Alignment of existing laws with the concept of circular economy, revision of industrial policy and development of cooperation with the private sector, cooperation with local communities and studies on key topics should led to further progress… Markovic Markovic2022-01-17 20:11:482022-01-17 20:13:42[:en]Some of the key messages of the conference Counting to Zero - Zero Waste Municipalities [:sr]Неке од кључних порука конференције "Бројимо до нула – Општине са нула отпада"[:ba]Neke od ključnih poruka konferencije "Brojimo do nula – Opštine sa nula otpada"[:]
The opening conference of the project "Improved Emergency Preparedness & Coordinated Response in Cross-Border Area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBC -IePCR)" was held in Sarajevo on December 29, 2021.
On that occasion,… Markovic Markovic2021-12-30 18:40:332021-12-30 18:52:50[:en]The opening conference of the project "Improved Emergency Preparedness & Coordinated Response in Cross-Border Area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBC -IePCR)" was held in Sarajevo on December 29, 2021.[:sr]Почетна конференција пројекта “Побољшање спремности за хитне интервенције и координисани одговор у пограничном подручју Србије и Босне и Херцеговине“ одржана је у Сарајеву 29.12.2021. године.[:ba]Početna konferencija projekta “Poboljšanje spremnosti za hitne intervencije i koordinisani odgovor u pograničnom području Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine“ održana je u Sarajevu 29.12.2021.godine.[:]
Within the project Zero Waste Municipalities a conference Counting to Zero - Zero Waste Municipalities was held on December 16 and 17, 2021. It was the first of two planned conferences aimed at promoting the EU standards, policies and practices… Markovic Markovic2021-12-20 15:10:552021-12-21 11:55:41[:en]Two-day virtual event was successfully conducted within the project Zero Waste Municipalities[:sr]Успешно завршена прва виртуелна конференција у оквиру пројекта "Општине са нула отпада"[:ba]Uspešno završena prva virtuelna konferencija u okviru projekta "Opštine sa nula otpada"[:]
The activity started as a part of the BWL project. Total of 20 orange garbage containers were placed on 20 locations in the city of Užice with the aim to collect bulky waste. The containers were at locations from Friday to Monday and they will… Markovic Markovic2021-12-02 13:54:482021-12-02 13:58:54[:en]Užice started monthly activity „Bulky into Orange “[:sr]У Ужицу кренула акција „Кабасто у наранџасто“ сваког последњег викенда у месецу[:ba]U Užicu krenula akcija „Kabasto u narandžasto“ svakog poslednjeg vikenda u mesecu[:]
Ministry of Finance, Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programmes, of the Republic of Serbia announced the Work Porgramme for the IPA CBC Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 in the preparation for the launching the… Markovic Markovic2021-11-26 12:22:502021-11-26 12:27:36[:en]Work Programme for 3rd Call for Proposals for the IPA CBC Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020[:sr]План рада за објаву Трећег позива за ИПА Програм прекограничне сарадње Србија-Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020[:ba]Plan rada za objavu Trećeg poziva za IPA Program prekogranične saradnje Srbija-Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020[:]
In order to overcome the common problem as the lack of qualified and well-trained staff in the tourism industry, the Association Užice Center for Human Rights and Democracy, the School of Economics Uzice Vocational School of Economics Užice…
Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina together with Paralympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faculty of sport and physical education, University of Novi Sad and Taekwondo club Dragon will in the period of 15 months, try to increase…
In the period from 28 to 29 October 2021 meetings of the expert team of the project "3E" were held in the Center for Professional Development Šabac.
During these meetings, the expert teams analyzed the following topics:
Analysis… Markovic Markovic2021-11-03 12:54:562021-11-03 13:04:30[:en]Two meetings were held in Šabac with aim to the transfer of knowledge and experience[:sr]Главни циљ састанка у Шапцу пренос знања и исукистава[:ba]Glavni cilj sastanka u Šapcu prenos znanja i isustava[:]
The Municipality of Novo Sarajevo in partnership with the Municipality of Ilijaš and the National Youth Council of Serbia, as well as with the municipalities of Sremska Mitrovica and Loznica implement the project SYSTEM with aim to increase… Markovic Markovic2021-10-27 12:01:192021-11-03 12:50:23[:en]Employment opportunities will be increase through the project SYSTEM[:sr]Нове могућности запошљавања кроз пројекат СИСТЕМ[:ba]Nove mogućnosti zapošljavanja kroz projekat SYSTEM[:]
The project promotes better cooperation between different actors. Also, the project is innovative for both partners and includes the exchange of best practices in the cross-border area.
Trough successful implementation, project will… Markovic Markovic2021-09-21 14:49:262021-11-01 14:53:18[:en]Improving fire emergency management system in the cross border area of B&H and Serbia[:sr]Унапређење управљања системом заштите од пожара у прекограничном подручју БиХ и Србије[:ba]Unaprjeđenje upravljanja sistemom zaštite od požara u prekograničnom području BiH i Srbije[:]
The Municipality of Bajina Basta has received significant technical improvements in the waste management system, which is also reflected in the collection and treatment of large quantities of waste, especially dry selected components and in… Markovic Markovic2021-09-20 14:27:122021-11-01 14:48:13[:en]Bajina Basta is a leader in solid waste management [:sr]Бајина Башта лидер у управљању чврстим отпадом[:ba]Bajina Bašta lider u upravljanju čvrstim otpadom[:]
Info Session related launching of the 3rd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020
News and eventsThe first training in mastering skiing skills was conducted on Bjelašnica Mountain
Events, News and eventsInfo session registration
News, News and eventsInfo session and Partner Search Forum was held at Monday, March 21, 2022.
Events, News and events3.20 milion EUR for the cross-border projects between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Events, News and eventsInfo Session and Partner Search Forum related launching of the 3rd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020
Events, News, News and eventsKick-off conference related launching of the 3rd CfP will be held on March 19, 2022
Events, News, News and eventsAnnouncement of the events on the occasion of the launching of the 3rd Call for Proposals within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020
News, News and eventsCall for expression of interest for the assessment of the 3rd CfP
News, News and events3rd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 has been launched
Events, News and eventsInitiative for improving the innovation of the economy of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina through the project "Enhance"
Events, News and eventsОn two STEPin platforms 15 modules will be available as part of online training
News, News and eventsTraining program entitled "Training of initiatives for the introduction of the concept of zero waste in local communities" was held
Events, News and eventsRescue equipment for rescue from heights additionally improved the Rogatica territorial Fire Brigade
News, News and eventsSome of the key messages of the conference Counting to Zero - Zero Waste Municipalities
News and eventsThe opening conference of the project "Improved Emergency Preparedness & Coordinated Response in Cross-Border Area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBC -IePCR)" was held in Sarajevo on December 29, 2021.
Events, News and eventsTwo-day virtual event was successfully conducted within the project Zero Waste Municipalities
Events, News and eventsUžice started monthly activity „Bulky into Orange “
Events, News and eventsWork Programme for 3rd Call for Proposals for the IPA CBC Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020
News, News and eventsBridging
News, News and eventsAfter project "Para inspired" start project "STEPin"
Events, News and eventsTwo meetings were held in Šabac with aim to the transfer of knowledge and experience
Events, News and eventsEmployment opportunities will be increase through the project SYSTEM
News, News and eventsImproving fire emergency management system in the cross border area of B&H and Serbia
News, News and eventsBajina Basta is a leader in solid waste management
News, News and events