Information session and Partner Search Forum on the occasion of the launching of the Second Call for Proposals under the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 took place on 05 December 2019 at Vrdnik.… Markovic Markovic2019-12-05 14:30:082019-12-05 13:49:54[:en]Information session and Partner Search Forum on the occasion of the launching 2nd CfP took place at Vrdnik[:sr]Организована информативна сесија и Форум за тражење партнера поводом расписивања Другог позива на Врднику[:ba]Organizovana informativna sesija i Forum za traženje partnera povodom raspisivanja Drugog poziva na Vrdniku[:]
In the occasion of the launching of the Second Call for Proposals within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia –Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020, Kick Off conference and Informative session were held on Tuesday, 03. December… Markovic Markovic2019-12-03 15:25:372019-12-04 13:26:16[:en]Kick Off conference and Informative session were held at Zlatibor[:sr] За прекограничне пројекте Србије и Босне и Хецеговине 4,77 милиона еура[:ba]Za prekogranične projekte Srbije i Bosne i Hecegovine 4,77 miliona eura[:]
It is our pleasure to inform the public that Partner Search Forum and Informative Session related launching of the 2nd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020 will be organized on Thursday,… Markovic Markovic2019-12-02 14:15:332019-12-02 14:57:10[:en]Partner Search Forum and Informative Session will be held on 05 December at Vrdnik[:sr]Форум за тражење партнера и информативна сесија одржаће се 5. децембра на Врднику[:ba]Forum za traženje partnera i informativna sesija održaće se 5. decembra na Vrdniku[:]
It is our pleasure to inform the public that Kick-off conference and Informative Session related launching of the 2nd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020 will be organized on Tuesday,… Markovic Markovic2019-11-27 11:42:352019-12-02 13:42:17[:en]Kick-off conference and Informative Session will be held on 03 December at Zlatibor[:sr]Свечана конференција и информативна сесија одржаће се 3. децембра на Златибору[:ba]Svečana konferencija i informativna sesija održaće se 3. decembra na Zlatiboru[:]
It is our pleasure to inform the public that the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the Operating Structures of the Programme, with technical support of the Joint Technical Secretariat related launching 2nd Call… Markovic Markovic2019-11-18 16:25:232019-11-27 11:44:30[:en]Information events will be organized in Serbia and BiH Related to Launching of 2nd CfP [:sr]Информативни догађаји поводом објаве Другог позива организују се у Србији и БиХ[:ba]Informativni događaji povodom objave Drugog poziva organizuju se u Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini[:]
One of the results of this project is the construction of tennis courts in Priboj and Rudo. The tennis court in Priboj is a structure of concrete foundation and is located in Stari Priboj, while the court in Rudohas foundation of gravel is located… Markovic Markovic2019-11-15 15:52:092019-11-15 16:18:29[:en]Tennis Courts Were Built in the Municipalities of Priboj and Rudo Within the Project "White sport"[:sr]Изграђени тениски терени у општинама Прибој и Рудо у оквиру пројекта „Бели спорт”[:ba]Izgrađeni teniski tereni u opštinama Priboj i Rudo u okviru projekta „Bijeli sport”[:]
The works have been started on the reconstruction of the park at the site of the Archeological Park of the Neolithic settlement within the complex of the Pannonian Lakes in Tuzla.
The value of the works at the site of the Archeological Park… Markovic Markovic2019-11-15 11:26:172019-11-15 16:01:07[:en]Works on the reconstruction of the Archeological Park have begun within the project NeoLIFE[:sr] Почетак радова на санацији Археолошког парка у оквиру пројекта NeoLIFE[:ba]Početak radova na sanaciji Arheološkog parka u okviru projekta NeoLIFE[:]
We are glad to inform public that the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and… Markovic Markovic2019-11-14 13:13:372019-11-14 13:42:16[:en]2nd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 has been launched[:sr]Објављен Други позив за достављање предлога пројеката у оквиру ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија-Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020[:ba]Objavljen Drugi poziv za dostavljanje prijedloga projekata u okviru IPA Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija-Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020[:]
The European Cultural Tourism Network (ECTN) recognized the NEOLIFE project as an innovative model for the interpretation of cultural heritage. NEOLIFE project team was given an opportunity to present the project at an Annual Network Members… Markovic Markovic2019-10-25 15:09:492019-10-25 15:16:07[:en]NEOLIFE project has been presented at the 12th Conference for Cultural Tourism “Culture and Heritage for Responsible, Innovative and Sustainable Tourism Actions” in Granada, Spain[:sr] Пројекат NEOLIFE презентован на 12. годишњој конференцији Европске мреже за културни туризам у Гранади у Шпанији[:ba]Projekat NEOLIFE prezentovan na 12. Godišnjoj konferenciji Evropske mreže za kulturni turizam u Granadi u Španiji[:]
Within the project "Social integration through parasport - Parainspired!", A vehicle, 10 wheelchairs and sports equipment for training of para-athletes were purchased. The total value of the equipment is 70,000 EUR.
Mr. Vladimir Batez, Provincial… Markovic Markovic2019-10-07 16:07:332019-11-26 16:15:07[:en] Vehicle and sports equipment were purchased for para-athletes[:sr]Набављена комби возило и спортска опрема за спортисте са инвалидитетом[:ba]Nabavljena kombi vozilo i sportska oprema za sportiste sa invaliditetom[:]
The Symposium "Opportunities for Social Integration through Sport" was successfully held on November 2, 2019, in Sarajevo within the project "Social Integration through Para sport - Parainspired!”
Participants had the opportunity to be… Markovic Markovic2019-10-07 14:14:262019-11-22 15:52:18[:en]Symposium "Opportunities for Social Integration through Sport" was successfully held [:sr]Успешно одржан Симпозијум „Прилике социјалне интеграције кроз спорт’’[:ba]Uspješno održan Simpozij „Prilike socijalne integracije kroz sport’’[:]
Following the queries raised during the Implementation workshop for the awarded grant projects within the 1st Call for Proposals for the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 held in Sarajevo, … Markovic Markovic2019-10-03 11:01:002019-10-03 11:14:46[:en]Queries and answers from the implementation workshop Sarajevo, July 17-18, 2019[:sr]Питања и одговори-имплементациона радионица Сарајево, 17-18 јул 2019.године [:ba]Pitanja i odgovori-implementaciona radionica Sarajevo, 17-18 jula 2019.godine[:]
The press conference marked the beginning of the project ““Suburban recycling” – Establishing system of waste management in suburban area of Uzice and Tuzla - SUBREC”. The primary waste selection will include a total of 5000 households,… Markovic Markovic2019-09-13 14:46:382019-09-13 14:49:32[:en]The press conference marked the beginning of the project “Suburban recycling” [:sr]Конференцијом за медије обележен је почетак реализације пројекта “Предграђа рециклирају'' [:ba]Konferencijom za medije obeležen je početak realizacije projekta“Predgrađa recikliraju'' [:]
The Workshop on project cycle management “Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020” was held on September 11-12, 2019 in Tuzla. With regard to preparation… Markovic Markovic2019-09-12 16:20:522019-09-13 14:30:54[:en]3rd PCM Workshop was held within IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020[:sr]Успешно реализована још једна у низу радионица за припрему предлога пројеката у оквиру ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија–Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020 [:ba]Uspešno realizovana jos jedna u nizu radionica za pripremu prijedloga projekata u okviru IPA Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija–Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020 [:]
Joint Research and Ecology Center (JREC), which will be built at Tjentiste as part of the project "Cross Border Natural Heritage Network - CBC Nature NET", will contribute to raising awareness of the importance of nature preservation. That … Markovic Markovic2019-09-11 13:26:032019-09-11 14:59:03[:en]The Opening Conference of the Project "Cross Border Natural Heritage Network - CBC Nature NET" was held at Tjentiste[:sr]Почетна конференција пројекта “Прекогранична мрежа природног наслеђа” одржана је на Тјентишту[:ba]Početna konferencija projekta “Prekogranična mreža prirodnog nasleđa” održana na Tjentištu[:]
Implementation of the project "Flood defense system in the border area Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina", which is implemented under the IPA I Cross-border Program Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2007-2013 enters in the final phase. During this phase… Markovic Markovic2019-09-09 14:24:282019-09-09 14:27:30[:en]Final demonstration exercise of civil protection units of Uzice, Visegrad and Bajina Basta was held in Mokra Gora[:sr]Одржана завршна показна вежба јединица цивилне заштите Ужица, Вишеграда и Бајине Баште[:ba]Održana završna pokazna vježba jedinica civilne zaštite Užica, Višegrada i Bajine Bašte[:]
Ministry of European Integration, Government of the Republic of Serbia and Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with technical support provided by Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-border Programme Serbia –… Markovic Markovic2019-08-23 13:16:412019-08-23 13:29:14[:en]Invitation for participation in the workshop „Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020“[:sr]Позив за учешће на радионици „Припрема предлога пројеката за Програм прекограничне сарадње Србија - Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020”[:ba]Poziv za učešće na radionici „Priprema prijedloga projekata za Program prekogranične saradnje Srbija - Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020”[:]
Additional five projects were contracted from the remaining funds of the First Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 on July 2019 . The projects aim to improve sustainable… Markovic Markovic2019-08-15 15:01:152019-08-15 15:36:15[:en]Аdditional Five projects were contracted under the First Call for Proposals[:sr]Пет додатних пројекта уговорено у оквиру Првог позива за подношење предлога пројеката[:ba]Pet dodatnih projekta ugovoreno u okviru Prvog poziva za podnošenje predloga projekata[:]
The two-day Implementation workshop for the awarded grant beneficiaries within the 1st Call for Proposals for the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosina and Herzegovina 2014-2020 was held on July 17-18, 2019 in Sarajevo. With regard… Markovic Markovic2019-07-19 13:47:532019-08-20 10:58:15[:en]Implementation Workshop was held within IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia And Herzegovina 2014-2020[:sr]Одржана имплементациона радионица у оквиру ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија-Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020[:ba]Održana implementaciona radionica u okviru IPA Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija– Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020[:]
The Workshop on project cycle management “Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020” was held on July 3-4, 2019 in Šabac. With regard to preparation… Markovic Markovic2019-07-04 15:28:402019-08-20 09:36:46[:en]PCM Workshop was held in Šabac[:sr]Одржана радионица за припрему предлога пројеката у Шапцу[:ba]Održana radionica za pripremu prijedloga projekata u Šapcu[:]
On June 25th, EU Green Day was organized in Užice within the environmental campaign "Pogledaj oko sebe". The campaign is implemented by the Ministry of European Integration and the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic… Markovic Markovic2019-06-26 11:27:412019-08-16 14:12:45[:en]Our projects were promoted through the environmental campaign "Pogledaj oko sebe"[:sr]Наши пројекти промовисани у оквиру кампање ,,Погледај око себе’’[:ba]Naši projekti promovisani u okviru kampanje ‘’Pogledaj oko sebe’’ [:]
The Workshop on project cycle management “Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020” was held on Jun 19-20, 2019 on Jahorina. With regard to preparation for… Markovic Markovic2019-06-20 15:56:582019-08-20 11:41:19[:en] PCM Workshop was held within IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020[:sr]Одржана радионица за припрему предлога пројеката у оквиру ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија–Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020[:ba] Održana radionica za pripremu prijedloga projekata u okviru IPA Programa prekogranične saradnje Srbija–Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020[:]
One of the results of this project is successfully completed training of tennis coaches organized by the Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Priboj in cooperation with the Tennis Federation of the Republic of Serbia on the Mountain Zlatibor.
The… Markovic Markovic2019-06-10 10:47:292020-04-13 17:35:10[:en]Priboj and Rudo were given licensed tennis coaches within the project “White sport and 19th century common cultural and historical heritage as touristic offer of the Municipalities Rudo and Priboj”[:sr]У оквиру пројеката „Бели спорт и културно-историјско наслеђе са краја 19. века у функцији развоја туризма општина Рудо и Прибој” Прибој и Рудо су добили лиценциране тениске тренере[:ba]U okviru projekta „Bijeli sport i kulturno-istorijsko naslijeđe sa kraja 19. vijeka u funkciji razvoja turizma opština Rudo i Priboj” Priboj i Rudo su dobili licencirane teniske trenere[:]
Ministry of European Integration, Government of the Republic of Serbia and Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with technical support provided by Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-border Programme Serbia –… Markovic Markovic2019-05-29 11:13:112019-08-16 14:14:25[:en]Invitation for participation in the workshop „Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020“ [:sr]Позив за учешће на радионици „Припрема предлога пројеката за Програм прекограничне сарадње Србија - Босна и Херцеговина 2014-2020”[:ba]Poziv za učešće na radionici „Priprema prijedloga projekata za Program prekogranične saradnje Srbija - Bosna i Hercegovina 2014-2020”[:]
Representatives of project and expert associates from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina visited a series of archaeological parks and museums in EU member states, in order to learn about the principles of work in institutions specialized for… Markovic Markovic2019-05-24 11:19:222019-08-16 14:14:51[:en]Within the Project "New Life of Neolithic Heritage in Recognized Natural Areas of Great Importance - NeoLIFE” the study tour was realized during the period from 14th to 21st May 2019[:sr]У оквиру пројекта "Нови живот неолитског наслеђа у препознатим природним подручјима од великог значаја - NeoLIFE" реализована је студијска посета од 14. до 21. маја 2019. године.[:ba]U okviru projekta "Novi život neolitskog naslijeđa u prepoznatim prirodnim područjima od velikog značaja - NeoLIFE" realizovana je studijska posijeta od 14. do 21. maja 2019. godine.[:]
Information session and Partner Search Forum on the occasion of the launching 2nd CfP took place at Vrdnik
Events, News and eventsKick Off conference and Informative session were held at Zlatibor
Events, News and eventsPartner Search Forum and Informative Session will be held on 05 December at Vrdnik
News, News and eventsKick-off conference and Informative Session will be held on 03 December at Zlatibor
News, News and eventsInformation events will be organized in Serbia and BiH Related to Launching of 2nd CfP
News, News and eventsTennis Courts Were Built in the Municipalities of Priboj and Rudo Within the Project "White sport"
Events, News and eventsWorks on the reconstruction of the Archeological Park have begun within the project NeoLIFE
News and events2nd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 has been launched
News, News and eventsNEOLIFE project has been presented at the 12th Conference for Cultural Tourism “Culture and Heritage for Responsible, Innovative and Sustainable Tourism Actions” in Granada, Spain
Events, News and eventsVehicle and sports equipment were purchased for para-athletes
Events, News and eventsSymposium "Opportunities for Social Integration through Sport" was successfully held
Events, News and eventsQueries and answers from the implementation workshop Sarajevo, July 17-18, 2019
News, News and eventsThe press conference marked the beginning of the project “Suburban recycling”
Events, News and events3rd PCM Workshop was held within IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020
Events, News and eventsThe Opening Conference of the Project "Cross Border Natural Heritage Network - CBC Nature NET" was held at Tjentiste
Events, News and eventsFinal demonstration exercise of civil protection units of Uzice, Visegrad and Bajina Basta was held in Mokra Gora
Events, News and eventsInvitation for participation in the workshop „Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020“
News, News and eventsАdditional Five projects were contracted under the First Call for Proposals
News, News and eventsImplementation Workshop was held within IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia And Herzegovina 2014-2020
Events, News and eventsPCM Workshop was held in Šabac
Events, News and eventsOur projects were promoted through the environmental campaign "Pogledaj oko sebe"
Events, News and eventsPCM Workshop was held within IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020
Events, News and eventsPriboj and Rudo were given licensed tennis coaches within the project “White sport and 19th century common cultural and historical heritage as touristic offer of the Municipalities Rudo and Priboj”
News, News and eventsInvitation for participation in the workshop „Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020“
News, News and eventsWithin the Project "New Life of Neolithic Heritage in Recognized Natural Areas of Great Importance - NeoLIFE” the study tour was realized during the period from 14th to 21st May 2019
News, News and events