The works have been started on the reconstruction of the park at the site of the Archeological Park of the Neolithic settlement within the complex of the Pannonian Lakes in Tuzla.

The value of the works at the site of the Archeological Park is approximately EUR 85,000.

In 2016, the first Archeological Park in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Southeast Europe was built and opened in Tuzla. The archeological park is a reconstruction of a part of the Neolithic Soyen settlement discovered in Tuzla, and is an open-air museum focused on presenting visitors to a part of the archaeological and historical past of Tuzla, as well as the way of life, both material and spiritual, and especially the first production of salt in the Neolithic period.

 The Park has been serving as a special tourist attraction within the complex “Pannonica” for a number of years and in the next 6 months will be working on its reconstruction and necessary repairs, in order to open its doors in a refreshed manner for the next tourist season.

Archeological Park has a significant number of visitors, and through the NeoLIFE project, it is expected to attract more visitors, with a focus on the youngest population.