Entries by Irena Markovic


Within the Project “New Life of Neolithic Heritage in Recognized Natural Areas of Great Importance – NeoLIFE” the study tour was realized during the period from 14th to 21st May 2019

Representatives of project and expert associates from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina visited a series of archaeological parks and museums in EU member states, in order to learn about the principles of work in institutions specialized for preservation, presentation, and promotion of cultural heritage from different historical periods. On this occasion the participants of the […]


The first press conference of the project “White sport and 19th century common cultural and historical heritage as touristic offer of the Municipalities Rudo and Priboj “was held

The first press conference of the project “White sport and 19th century common cultural and historical heritage as touristic offer of the Municipalities Rudo and Priboj “was held on May 13, 2019 in the Jevdejic’s house in Priboj. The project is co-financed by  the European Union under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020. […]


The project “Museum Stories” was presented

The project “Museum Stories” was presented on March 21st, 2019 in the City Hall in Sarajevo. The project is co-financed by European Union under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020. The presentation of the project was organized was organized with the aim to make familiar to participants the projects activities, which will contribute […]

Digitalisation of National Heritage

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