New tasks of the Working group
News and events, Unapređivanje socijalizacije i tretmana u mentalnom zdravlju "UP.S.TREAM 2"The third Working Group’s meeting of the project "UPSTREAM 2" (UPdate of Socialization and TREAtment of Mental health – part 2), took place at the Department of Psychiatry of the General Hospital in Valjevo. Concrete steps for the creation…
Photo contest "Rivers that connect us"
News and eventsEuropean Integration Office opens photo contest titled "Rivers that connect us". This contest is dedicated to photographing the rivers that flow through Serbia and neighboring countries that are covered by CBC programs.
This contest will…
Conference “Innovative tools in the fight against social exlusion”
Jačanje profesionalne edukacije odrsalih u ruralnim sredinama, News and eventsOn 10th of September 2014, in Šabac, a conference: "Innovative tools in the fight against social exclusion", was organized by Caritas Šabac, within the project "Strengthening professional adult education in rural areas", which is implemented…
(Serbian) Prijateljstva uspostavljena tokom projekta iz prvog poziva traju i dalje
Eko centar Prijepolje – Čajniče, News and eventsSorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and Bosnian.
Valjevo summer camp
News and events, Unapređivanje socijalizacije i tretmana u mentalnom zdravlju "UP.S.TREAM 2"The summer camp planned as part of the project activities under the name "Youth Participation" has today finished. It lasted 7 days (from the 22nd to 28th of June 2014) and has actively involved 20 high school volunteers from Tuzla and Valjevo.…
(Serbian) Održana konferencija „Kreiranje regionalnog brenda i njegove marketinške strategije“
News and events, Okolišno prihvatljiv, novi, organiski pristup poljoprivredi u prekograničnom području BiH i SrbijeSorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and Bosnian.