Study visit in France

From  9th to 14th of June 2014. Caritas BC BiH and Caritas Šabac organized a study visit in France.  This study visit was in the framework of the project "Strengthening the professional adult  education  in rural areas," which is being…

Invitation for participation in Cross-Border Serbia – B&H Youth Conference

Cross-Border Conference on implementation of youth policies in cross-border region of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina will be held on 20 June2014, in hotel “Zlatiborska noc", Užice, starting at 11 am. The conference is the final event within…

Implemented Youth Actions in Local Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Secondary school students in the cross-border region of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, who participated in seminars organized to familiarize the participants on youth policies and activism, have implemented the local actions in their communities…

Rafters from Rudo in rescue operation in flooded Bijeljina used equipment purchased under the project

Members of rafting club " Valine " Rudo , with three boats and equipment acquired under the project Improvement of the International Lim Biathlon manifestation Priboj-Rudo (Setihovo)- Regatta for all on their own initiative and with the financial…

Final Conference of the project “Agriculture Forecast-Reporting System (AFRS) in Cross-border Region”

The final conference of the project “Agriculture Forecast-Reporting System (AFRS) in Cross-border Region” was held on Friday, 23rd May 2014, in the great conference hall of the City of Užice. Agriculture Extension Services Užice in…