Truck was purchased under the project ''SUBREC''

After purchasing and distributing of 5,000 waste selection bins in 2500 households within the  project  "SUBREC", the  disposal of selected waste in a special truck for dry waste has begun. The new truck was purchased for Public…

Procurement procedures under the project ” Solid Waste Management Upgrading ”

The following announcement contains information about the procurement procedure planned by the Beneficiary Public Utility Company ”RAD” under the “Solid Waste Management Upgrading” project. PUC “RAD” Sarajevo and PUC “Vrdnik”…

The exhibition "Women in Art" was opened at the Sarajevo City Hall

Within the project "Museum Stories", the exhibition "Women in Art" was opened at the Sarajevo City Hall. The exhibition was opened by Milan Trivic, Deputy Mayor of Sarajevo. Works by modern paintings and photographs were presented within…

Preserving the Serbian spruce was the Conference topic in Sokolac

The first conference was held in Sokolac on February 26, 2020, as part of the project '' Safeguarding Unique Biodiversity of Drina Valley Environment''. The project aims to preserve the Serbian spruce, an endemic species estimated to disappear…

Procurement procedures under the project '' Solid Waste Management Upgrading ''

The following announcement contains information about the procurement procedure planned by the Beneficiary Public Utility Company ”RAD” under the “Solid Waste Management Upgrading” project. PUC “RAD” Sarajevo and PUC “Vrdnik”…

Answers on FAQ related to 2nd Call for proposals are published

Answers on questions sent to Contracting Authority regarding 2nd Call for proposal under  IPA Cross-border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 are published. Answers on FAQ can be found here.