Spinal testing started in Sarajevo
News and events, Unapredjenje procene posturalnog statusa i statusa kicme – SpinLabActivities of testing children from Sarajevo kindergartens Djeca Sarajeva was organized on Thursday 10 July at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education. The testing activities represent a part of the activities which need to be implemented…

Project presentation at The International Education Fair in Novi Sad 28.02./04.03. 2014
News and events, Unapredjenje procene posturalnog statusa i statusa kicme – SpinLabEach year, at the end of February, a five-day International Education Fair “Guidelines” is taking place in Novi Sad, and the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education regularly participates. The Project Team of FSPE, together with the students,…

Parents’ Education in Stara Pazova and Inđija
News and events, Unapredjenje procene posturalnog statusa i statusa kicme – SpinLabIn Stara Pazova, on February 25, 2014 at 5 p.m., parents’ education in Pre-school institution “Poletarac” has been held. The parents showed huge interest and they praised the activity IPA project team started performing. Due to school…

Media presentation of the project
News and events, Unapredjenje procene posturalnog statusa i statusa kicme – SpinLabMedia presentation of the project was realized on 19th and 20th February, 2014, simultaneously with the start of education of parents in certain educational institutions in Ruma, Sremska Mitrovica, Indjija and Stara Pazova. On that occasion,…

The Research team FSPE successfully started parent education in kindergartens
News and events, Unapredjenje procene posturalnog statusa i statusa kicme – SpinLabThe first parent education was held on Thursday, February 20, 2014 as one of the activities of the Cross-border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina.
At the last meeting held on February 5, 2014 the Project team FSPE has decided to start…

Successfully commenced training program for parents in Ruma
News and events, Unapredjenje procene posturalnog statusa i statusa kicme – SpinLabTraining program devoted to preschool children’s parents successfully commenced at Preschool Institution “Poletarac“ in Ruma on the 19th of February, 2014. The presentation commenced at 5 pm according to the schedule. Parents who were…

A review of activities of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education’s project team
News and events, Unapredjenje procene posturalnog statusa i statusa kicme – SpinLabAt the beginning of February, the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education’s project team visited all preschool and school institutions planned for the project in order to achieve the best possible cooperation with educational institutions…

The follow-up meeting of the Project Team of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
News and events, Unapredjenje procene posturalnog statusa i statusa kicme – SpinLabThe follow-up meeting of the Project Team of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education was held on 14th of novemeber 2013. with regard to the analysis of the activities conducted so far as well as the future plans of the project. We concretized…

Press conference
News and events, Unapredjenje procene posturalnog statusa i statusa kicme – SpinLabSorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and Bosnian.

Meeting at the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina
News and events, Unapredjenje procene posturalnog statusa i statusa kicme – SpinLabOn 18th October, 2013, at the premises of the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, there was a follow-up meeting of the Project Team of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo. All the members of the Project…

Project partners meeting
News and events, Unapredjenje procene posturalnog statusa i statusa kicme – SpinLabOn Friday, 27th September, 2013, at 12:00, at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Novi Sad, there was a meeting of managers of the IPA project team “Improvement of the postural status and the spinal column status…

Project Overview
Unapredjenje procene posturalnog statusa i statusa kicme – SpinLab
Project title: Improving testing abilities on postural and spinal column status - SpinLab
Axis: I.2/Exchange of people and ideas
Amount requested: SRB € 65,453.00 & BIH € 61,268.70 Total…