Electro technical and Chemistry school in Tuzla are ready to recycle

Workshop with the purpose to educate teachers and  announce activities for collection of paper, plastic and aluminum cans was held on April 2013.  On this occasion,  the environmental section students made performance ' Not all waste is garbage…

Caritas Šabac’s representatives visited Bosnia and Herzegovina

Representatives of Caritas Šabac visited Sarajevo, Fojnica and Kiseljak on 8. And 9. May 2013. Visit was organized within the implementation of project: „Strengthening professional adult education in rural areas", which is being implemented…

Opening ceremony in Kiseljak

On May 9th 2013. opening ceremony of the project „ Strenghtening professional adult education in rural areas“ was held in Kiseljak municipality. Representatives of media, Cantonal Employment Service from Travnik, Municipalities and project…

Info days in Pozega, Priboj and Uzice for metal industry SMEs

Regional Development Agency Zlatibor started implementation of activities related to selection of SMEs that will participate within the EUMETAL 2 project - Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal…

Presented project Agriculture Forecast – Reporting System (AFRS) in the Cross Border Region

Project Agriculture Forecast – Reporting System (AFRS) in the Cross Border Region was presented to representatives in 8 local self-governments in Zlatibor region. Project is implementing within Second Call for Proposals of the CBC Programme…

Meeting of the partners and associates at the local level

On Wednesday, 26th April 2013, in the premises of Caritas Šabac, a meeting was held of local partners and associates in the project: "Strengthening professional adult education in rural areas", funded by the European Union pre-accession IPA…