Campaign on primary waste selection in schools

After 6 months of project, we make the first TV show which monitors project activities and affirms concept of primary waste selection and those involved in this process in Užice schools. In this way, we want to share the results that we obtained,…

Establishment of the Joint Cross-border Beekeeping Committee, Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The first planned activity in the project "Beekeeping-Activity for Future BAF" under Contract. No 2013/319-819 that were held in Prijepolje on 31.07.2013. at a joint meeting of representatives of the Association of Beekeepers from Prijepolje…

Eco Regatta

On 27 -28 July 2013. was held on Eco-regatta in Rudo. The aim of the regatta was to clean river and 33 kilometers coastline  from the Priboj to Rudo. On the first day of the Eco regatta -part  from Priboj to the city beach in Rudo was cleaned…

Training on food safety for consumers

In Sabac 26 July as part of the "Region of safe food,"  first in a series of training in food safety was held. The training was attended by 20 representatives of the Consumers Association in various municipalities of Kolubara and Macvanski…

Training of skippers

On the occasion of the sixth International Lim biathlon - Priboj Rudo (Setihovo) Regatta for all, a training of skippers was conducted on 15-19 July, 2013 . Venue of training was in Priboj, and organizers was Tourism Organization and Priboj…

Joint meeting of EUMETAL 2 Project Team

Second joint meeting of EUMTEAL 2 Project team was held on 18 july. 2013 in Andricgrad in Visegrad, with the aim to discuss implementation of activities planned within the Project. After successful B2B meeting held in Sarajevo by beginning…