Open Forum - presentation of the results of studies on the state of natural resources organized in Ljubovija and Zvornik

The first in a series of three open forums for the presentation of the results of studies on the state of natural resources in the border regions of Serbia-BiH was organized in Ljubovija on 4th February 2014. This study provides the basis for…

Tourist guide training

Training for tourist guide in project "Strengthening professional adult education in rural areas"  funded by the European Union through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) in the framework of the Cross – Border Cooperation Programme…

A review of activities of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education’s project team

At the beginning of February, the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education’s project team visited all preschool and school institutions planned for the project in order to achieve the best possible cooperation with educational institutions…

Workshops for members of Roma NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia were held

Date: 23.-25.01.2014. in Šabac and 03.-05.02.2014. in Sarajevo Workshops on project cycle management (PCM) were held as part of the project 'Support to Cooperation, Inclusion, Education and Promotion of Roma Culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina…

The inclusion of the new beneficiaries in Užice

High school student dorm in Užice joined our project during the January 2014. With the accommodation capacity of 130 students who are attending one of the 7 Užice`s high schools, this dorm is involved in the Project from the outset. The dorm…

Workshops for Roma NGOs were held and the ''SA-ŠA Academy'' was opened

In the framework of the project "Support to cooperation, inclusion, education and the promotion of Roma culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia SA-ŠA"  funded by the EU under the IPA cross-border cooperation between B&iH - Serbia…