Project evaluation in progress

Evaluation of results and achievements of our project, which is implemented by Insitute for Territorial Economic Development from Belgrade (InTER), started with a two-day visit to Užice at the end of last week. The evaluation aims at reviewing…

Visit to the International Trade Fair in Mostar

I hurried 210-260 Dumps into the local department store to grab1 some last minute Chirsmas gifts. 210-260 Dumps 210-065 dumps I 300-208 dumps looked at all the 300-208 dumps people and grumbled2 to myself. I would be 1K0-001 dumps in here…

New Project Beneficiaries in Užice!

Because of the undoubted actuality of this theme and ubiquitous need for an adequate attitude towards municipal waste , the results of the introduction of the primary waste selection in schools are more visible and positive reactions are numerous.…


In hotel “Sunce” from 28 to 30 of March 2014, Caritas Bishops’ conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina organized training for trainers. Training is a part of project “Strengthening professional  adult education in rural areas” IPA Cross-border…

Action plan development workshop

Within the project "Wise use of common natural resources - road to sustainability of the Serbia/BiH cross-border region" in sports and recreational complex "Sunny River", near Banja Koviljaca since 26 until 28 March 2014. Was held a three-day…

Sofka Nikolić Roma Culture Days and Nights

The two-day event "Days of Roma culture and Sofka Nikolić Evenings", which is implemented in the framework of cross-border project between the B&H and Serbia under the title "Support to cooperation, inclusion, education and the promotion…