3rd PCM Workshop was held within IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020

The Workshop on project cycle management “Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020” was held on  September 11-12, 2019 in Tuzla. With regard to preparation…

The Opening Conference of the Project "Cross Border Natural Heritage Network - CBC Nature NET" was held at Tjentiste

Joint Research and Ecology Center (JREC), which will be built at Tjentiste as part of the project "Cross Border Natural Heritage Network - CBC Nature NET", will contribute to raising awareness of the importance of nature preservation. That …

Final demonstration exercise of civil protection units of Uzice, Visegrad and Bajina Basta was held in Mokra Gora

Implementation of the project "Flood defense system in the border area Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina", which is implemented under the IPA I Cross-border Program Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2007-2013 enters in the final phase. During this phase…

Invitation for participation in the workshop „Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Hercegovina 2014-2020“

Ministry of European Integration, Government of the Republic of Serbia and Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with technical support provided by Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-border Programme Serbia –…

Аdditional Five projects were contracted under the First Call for Proposals

Additional five projects were contracted from the remaining funds of the First Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 on July 2019 . The projects aim to improve sustainable…

Implementation Workshop was held within IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia And Herzegovina 2014-2020

The two-day Implementation workshop for the awarded grant beneficiaries within the 1st Call for Proposals for the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosina and Herzegovina 2014-2020 was held on July 17-18, 2019 in Sarajevo. With regard…