Employment opportunities will be increase through the project SYSTEM

The Municipality of Novo Sarajevo in partnership with the Municipality of Ilijaš and the National Youth Council of Serbia, as well as with the municipalities of Sremska Mitrovica and Loznica implement the project SYSTEM with aim to increase…

Improving fire emergency management system in the cross border area of B&H and Serbia

The project promotes better cooperation between different actors. Also, the project  is innovative for both partners and includes the exchange of best practices in the cross-border area. Trough successful implementation, project will…

Bajina Basta is a leader in solid waste management

The Municipality of Bajina Basta has received significant technical improvements in the waste management system, which is also reflected in the collection and treatment of large quantities of waste, especially dry selected components and in…

Together in Education for Employability and Employment (3E)

Within the project “3E”, Sabac and Visoko will try to contribute to the reduction of labor shortages in the metal industry of both cities. The project partners will support employment and increase employment opportunities in the area of…

The project Enhance officially presented

The project " Enabling Highly Accelerated and Nourished Comnpetitiveness and Employment- ENHANCE" was presented on Tuesday, September 7, 2021. in the hotel "Palisad" on Zlatibor. The project holder is Chamber of economy of the Federation…

It is time to develop the concept of "Zero Waste Municipalities" in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

It is time  to develop the concept of "Zero Waste Municipalities" in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina through the project " Zero Waste Municipalities", as well as to promote the reduction of waste creation at its source. This approach…