Projects awarded within the First Call for Proposals

On the EuropeAid website the complete list of the projects awarded within the First Call for Proposals was published. For more information please EuropeAid website: The…

Job Announcement-Head of JTS

The European Integration Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the Direct Grant Agreement with the European Union represented by European Commission for the Action entitled “Technical Assistance for Managing…

JTS Workshop in Užice

Dear potential applicants, The Joint Technical Secretariat for the Cross-Border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina will organize on 25 April 2012 in Užice a one day workshop on preparation of the project proposal, which will include…

Frequently Asked Questions Second Set

EUDs answered the second set of questions frequently asked by potential applicants within the Second CfP.

Corrigendum No.1 Application Form 2nd CfP

Dear applicants, Corrigendum No.1 concerns only the update of the Grant Application Form (Annex A_of the Giudelines for Grant Applicants) from Version 1 to Version 2. Attached you will find the folder that contains three files: 1. AF…