Joint meeting of EUMETAL 2 Project Team

Second joint meeting of EUMTEAL 2 Project team was held on 18 july. 2013 in Andricgrad in Visegrad, with the aim to discuss implementation of activities planned within the Project. After successful B2B meeting held in Sarajevo by beginning…

Safe Food Region project - opening conference

On July 17th 2013 opening conference of the project Safe Food Region was held in premises of Regional Chamber of Commerce Valjevo. Representatives of Regional Chamber of Commerce Valjevo, Aleksandar Jovanovic and Mirjana Djordjevic and representatives…

Promotional and educational campaign “Easy for Anyone”

Within the promotional and educational activities of the Project, filming of video that promotes concept of primary waste selection in schools in two cities is finished. The author`s intention was to bring primary selection of waste closer to…

Workshop for potential applicants for 3rd CfP IPA CBC SER-BIH held in Loznica on July 4th, 2013

The Serbian European Integration Office and the Directorate for European Integration of BiH as two Operating Structures of the Programme and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, with the support from the Delegations of European…

B2B meeting in Sarajevo within EUMETAL 2 project

Within EUMETAL 2 project - Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal industry, Regional Development Agency Zlatibor and Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency, organized B2B meeting of the companies…

Analysis of achieved changes in the Roma community in the time period 2005-2013

Within the implementation of the cross-border project "SAŠA – Support to Cooperation, Inclusion, Education and Promotion of Roma Culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia', Conference „Analysis of achieved changes in the Roma community…