The follow-up meeting of the Project Team of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education

The follow-up meeting of the Project Team of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education was held on 14th of novemeber  2013. with regard to the analysis of the activities conducted so far as well as the future plans of the project. We concretized…

Delegation of Valjevo Regional Chamber of Commerce visited Food Safety Agency in Mostar

Within Safe Food Region project, which is co-financed by the EU under the IPA Cross-border Programme Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina , realized study visitto  the Food Safety Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Mostar. The delegation included…

Regatta billboards

As a part of the project activities beneficiaries set up billboards by the road on the start of regatta as well as on the end, in Uvac and Setihovo. The billboards will significantly contribute to the promotion and visibility of the regatta…

Truck for container transport has arrived in Užice

After long public procurement process, container transport truck has arrived in Uzice. Truck is designed to transport 5m3 and 7m3 containers, that will be filled with waste from 14 schools which are involved in implementation of project “Primary…

Public Consultation held in Banja Koviljaca regarding IPA II CBP SRB-BiH 2014-2020 programming

Operating Structures of the Cross-Border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, with the support of the Delegations of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and to Bosnia and Herzegovina…