Events, News and eventsAs part of the E-CrossPass" project, representatives of the Mountaineering Association of Serbia ceremoniously handed over equipment for maintaining hiking trails and paths to mountaineering clubs. The equipment was received by mountaineering…
(Serbian) Позив на панел дискусију: Нацрт Закона о управљању кохезионом политиком
News and eventsSorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and Bosnian.
Project Opening Conference HEAL
Events, News, News and eventsThe HEAL (Healthy Ageing in the Cross-Border Region) project focuses on enhancing our senior citizens' well-being by improving access to vital healthcare and preventive services in rural areas.
Recently, a conference was held…
EU Opportunity Week
Events, News, News and eventsThe final day of the European Week of Opportunities took place in Niš, where a trilateral agreement was signed, securing €3.6 million in funding for the second phase of the Serbia-North Macedonia Cross-Border Cooperation Program. This agreement…
The Final Conference of the ENHANCE project
News and eventsProject leader, the Chamber of Economy of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with its partners, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia – the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Zlatibor County, and ENERGIS Centre tried…
The Final Conference of the CoPRIS project
News and eventsOn June 16,2023 in Tuzla, the results of the Capacity of Protection and Rescue Institutions Strengthened - CoPRIS project were presented to the public. The project was co-financed by the European Union from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance…