The first workshop held
Mudro korišćenje zajedničkih prirodnih resursa – put ka održivosti prekograničnog regiona Srbija/BiH, News and eventsAt the ethno village Stanisic, near Bijeljina, on March 29th 2013. the first workshop was held as part of the project “Wise use of common natural resources - road to sustainability of the Serbia/BiH cross-border region”. This project is…
More than 120 instutions and 300 participants on Partner Search Forum in Tuzla
News and eventsOperating Structures of the Cross-Border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, with the support of the Delegations of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and to Bosnia and Herzegovina, …
Experts from the partner organization ”European Centre for Renewable Energy” (EEE) from Austria, visiting municipality of Bogatic March 25th-26th 2013
Bijeljina I Bogatić zajedno na putu energetske održivosti kroz povećanje energetske efikasnosti i promocije obnovljivih izvora energije, News and eventsBeing a partners on the project "Bijeljina and Bogatic, together on the way towards energy sustainability through increasing energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy sources', international experts of the European Centre for…
Project Opening Conference
News and events, Uspostavljanje sistema primarne selekcije otpada u školama u Užicu i Tuzli
The opening conference of project “Establishing the concept of primary waste selection in 28 schools in Užice and Tuzla” was held in Conference Hall of Užice Grammar School, on Thursday 21st March. Project is implementing in partnership…
Partner search forum - Tuzla March 28th 2013
News and eventsOperating Structures of the Cross-Border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, with the support of the Delegations of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and to Bosnia and Herzegovina,…
Job Announcement - Task Manager
News and events
The European Integration Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia
in accordance with the Direct Grant Agreement with the European Union represented by European Commission for the Action entitled
“Technical Assistance…