Workshop for potential applicants for 3rd CfP IPA CBC SER-BIH in Loznica July 4th, 2013
News and eventsOperating Structures of the Cross-Border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, with the support of the Delegations of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and to Bosnia and Herzegovina,…
Meeting of the Committee for the Supervision of the project
Jačanje profesionalne edukacije odrsalih u ruralnim sredinama, News and eventsOn Thursday, 13th June 2013, in the premises of Caritas Sabac, a meeting of partners and associates in the project "Strengthening professional adult education in rural areas", which is implemented within the Second Call of cross-border cooperation…
Signature of Partnership Agreement
News and events, Unapređenje konkuretnosti malih i srednjih preduzeća i jačanje međunarodnih veza u metalskoj industriji- EUMETAL2Ceremony of partnership agreement signature related to the project Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and enhancement of cross-border links in the metal industry – EUMETAL 2 was organized on 6 June, 2013 in the premises of Sarajevo Economic…
Održan trening o participatornom planiranju upravljanja prirodnim resursima
Mudro korišćenje zajedničkih prirodnih resursa – put ka održivosti prekograničnog regiona Srbija/BiH, News and eventsSorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and Bosnian.
Eco-quizzes in Užice and Tuzla primary schools
News and events, Uspostavljanje sistema primarne selekcije otpada u školama u Užicu i TuzliOn June 4, first ecological quiz on recycling and primary waste selection for school age pupils from 7 primary schools in Užice who are attending ecology sections, was held in primary school “Slobodan Sekulić”. 6 pairs of 12 pupils were…
Tuzla teachers visited Užice colleagues
News and events, Uspostavljanje sistema primarne selekcije otpada u školama u Užicu i Tuzli
Last weekeng, teacher of ecology sections in Tuzla primary and secondary schools, who are enrolled in project “Schools Waste Less”, visited Užice. Teachers from Tuzla wanted to meet Užice colleagues before they go together to Tara…