Eco-quizzes in Užice and Tuzla primary schools

On June 4, first ecological quiz on recycling and primary waste selection for school age pupils from 7 primary schools in Užice who are attending ecology sections, was held in primary school “Slobodan Sekulić”. 6 pairs of 12 pupils were…

Tuzla teachers visited Užice colleagues

Last weekeng, teacher of ecology sections in Tuzla primary and secondary schools, who are enrolled in project “Schools Waste Less”, visited Užice. Teachers from Tuzla wanted to meet Užice colleagues before they go together to Tara…

First waste shipments transported from schools to “Duboko”

On Friday, May 31st, technical service of PUC “Duboko” have organized first collecting of selected waste in Užice schools. Cleaning staff of 12 primary and secondary schools helped in waste collecting and waste has been sent to Regional…

As a part of the project, Bijeljina has installed two "Strawberry Tree" solar chargers

On Thursday 30th May 2013th , at 14:00 pm, in front of the Cultural Centre in Bijeljina, the two Mayors Mico Micic, of Bijeljina and Slobodan Savic, of Bogatic, along with the EU Delegation to BiH representative -  Mr. Paul Smid have put into…

Contract Award Ceremony for devoted participation in the Second Call for Proposals

On May 30, 2013, in Ethno village “Stanisici” Operating Structures of the Cross-Border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, with the support of the Delegations of the European Union…

Conference "Best practice models in forecast-reporting systems” in Sarajevo

On May 28th and 29th project Agriculture Forecast – Reporting System (AFRS) in the Cross Border Region held conference with aim to transfer experience and best practices in applying forecast-reporting systems in agriculture. Read more