The Research on the Effectiveness of Local Mechanisms to Enhance the Position of Young People has been Initiated

Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska and Center for Equitable Regional Development from Belgrade have started the research on the efficiency of local mechanisms for improvement of state of young people in the cross border…

The first meeting of the project team held in Belgrade

Representatives of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska visited the Center for Equitable Regional Development in Belgrade on August 27, 2013 in order to discuss the means of cooperation and implementation of joint activities…

Tara eco-camp diary

The last day of eco-camp, August 25, 2013 The morning started with presentation „Positive experiences in Belgium on primary waste selection“ (Miloš Radojević, RDA), where we saw good practice examples and realized that national institutions…

Announcement of the Eco-camp at Tara

On  August 21 - 25,  2013 Eco-camp for 28 students from 14 elementary schools from Uzice and Tuzla will be organized . The Eco-camp for elementary school students will be held on Tara Mountain The goal of the Eco-camp is make students and…

Success of sixth International Lim Biathlon manifestation Priboj-Rudo (Setihovo)- Regatta for all

As a part of the project International Lim Biathlon manifestation Priboj-Rudo (Setihovo)- Regatta for all, three events was organized, namely: 16.08.2013 . Regatta  for people with special needs, 17.08. Great traditional regatta and 18.08.…

Fair "Honey is a cure for a long life"

Traditional fair of honey under name "Honey is a cure for a long life," was held on 10.08.2013 in front of the Cultural Centre in Prijepolje. Fair was attended by 17 exhibitors from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. As part of…