Caritas Šabac began with the implementation of vocational training

On Thursday, 11/07/2013, Caritas Šabac began with the activities of implementation of vocational training under the project "Strengthening the professional adult education in rural areas", which is implemented within the second IPA call - Cross…

Caritas Šabac began with the implementation of vocational training

On Thursday, 11/07/2013, Caritas Šabac began with the activities of implementation of vocational training under the project "Strengthening the professional adult education in rural areas", which is implemented within the second IPA call - Cross…

Tuzla hosted the conference devoted to creative sector and economic development on a local level

Within the project E761 Convergence, implemented by Academica/Centre for Creative Economy Research from Belgrade, OIA from Sarajevo and Forca from Pozega, a conference entitled “Creative tensions – creative activities and youth initiatives…

Training on food safety for retailers

As part of the implementation plan of the "Territory of safe food," which is funded by the EU, started the fourth, three-day training in the field of food intended for exporters of food products. The first training was held in July and was intended…

Youth – future change makers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region

“Despite the existing practice of the European Union which sees the participation in decision making processes as one of the fundamental human rights, the role of youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia in decision making processes depends…

Presentation of quality standards by ESPA

First training on EU standard for top management of Special Hospitals and hotels in cross border area Top management of Special hospitals and hotels from Fojnica, Olovo, Ilidza and Zlatibor County was introduced into quality seals EuropeSpa…