Project title: Bijeljina and Bogati?-together on the way towards energy sustainability through increasing energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy sources

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Axis:  Measure 1.1 Environment

Budget: SRB € 262,948.74 & BIH € 317,529.25                        Total € 580,477.99

Applicants:  Applicant 1 – Municipality of Bijeljina – Bijeljina, Bosnia and Hercegovina

Applicant 2 – Municipality of Bogatic – Bogatic, Serbia

Partners: Applicant 1’s partners – N/A

Applicant 2’s partners – Europäisches Zentrum für Erneuerbare Energie Güssing Austria

Duration of the Action:  18 months

Overall objectives:

1.To contribute to maintaining a high quality of environment in the region Bijeljina-Bogati? using RES (Renewable Energy Sources) and raising energy efficiency

2. To improve the competitiveness of local economy by creating conditions for the use of RES

The project contributes providing an optimal and safe energy supply for municipalities of Bijeljina and Bogatic; improving the level of services that municipalities provide to their citizens and the economy, reducing energy consumption in private and commercial sector, reducing energy consumption and energy costs in public utilities. Completion of this project will create conditions for a minimum investment of 10 million Euros in renewable energy sources and open 200 new jobs by 2017. The potential of two municipalities in biomass is equivalent for the investment of 130 million Euros in power-plant on biomass. This project contributes to use of 3 % of the potential that could create 200 new jobs. This action creates a base for the reducing emission of CO2, that could be reduce for 20% until 2020.

Specific objective: Raising the awareness and building local capacity in municipalities of Bijeljina and Bogatic in order to

increase energy efficiency and sustainable concept for use of renewable energy

Target groups:   Local authorities, young people,  farmers, employees in two administrations
Final beneficiaries: Local communities – 142 000 residents of both municipalities.

Business sector – 2.000 existing enterprises in the municipalities of Bogatic and Bijeljina, including 80 building sector enterprises

Estimated results of the action:

R1 Energy development  Plans, as well as feasibility studies for use of RES for municipalities Bijeljina and Bogatic developed and adopted;                                                                                         R2: 290 representatives of local administration, students and farmers trained and met the Gusing model of good practice related to use of renewable energy and energy efficiancy;                                                 R3:The level of awareness of the citizens of Bijeljina and Bogatic municipalities of importance of using RES and energy efficiency increased;                                                                                      R4: The use of RES and energy efficiency demonstrated by installing public solar-powered charger and reconstruction of the primary school building;                                                                                          R5: Project managed successfully.

Main activities:

A1) Plans for energy development of Bijeljina and Bogati? municipalities

A2) Feasibility study for plants for production electricity and thermal energy from biomass for Bijeljina and Bogatic municipalities

A3)Feasibility study of solar energy use within Bijeljina and Bogatic municipalities

A4 Training and study tours

A5 Promotional campaign

A6) Pilot action in the field of usage of RES – Purchase and installation of “Strawberry Tree”- public solar-powered charger

A7) Reconstruction of the primary school „Vuk Karadži?“ in Bijeljina.

A7) Project management.