Project title: Improvement of the International Lim Biathlon manifestation Priboj-Rudo (Setihovo)- Regatta for all

Axis:  Measure 1.2 Exchange of People and Ideas

Budget: SRB € 88,725.12 & BIH € 82,492.00                        Total € 170,217.12

Applicants:  Applicant 1 – Rudo Municipal Development Agency – Rudo, Bosnia and Hercegovina

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Applicant 2 – Tourist organization Priboj – Priboj, Serbia

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Partners: Applicant 1’s partners – N/A

Applicant 2’s partners – N/A

Duration of the Action:  12 months

Overall objective: Improvement the existing communication and cooperation between local communities and organizations of local communities of these border regions Priboj and Rudo.
Specific objectives: Contribution to the introduction of a new and improved  existing “Lim International Biathlon”event,
Target groups:   Young  people age between 18-25 years, eager of gatherings, establishing common friends and discovering new opportunities for fun (around 5000)  extreme sports enthusiasts who love excitement, have an adventurous spirit for challenges. The members of rafting clubs Valine-Rudo, Eko Lim and Dabar Priboj (about 80) stand out.
Final beneficiaries: People with disabilities and their families from the municipalities of applicants and municipalities in the region.  The increasing participation of women aged between 25-40 years of age shows that they have been selected as one target group at this event (about 20% of total participants). Women see in this event the possibility of liberation from the daily duties, stress, apathy, and a way of establishing equality of sexes.The lovers of nature have the opportunity to participate in this event during exactly the whole way of the river Lim from Priboj to Rudo (Setihovo)and enjoy the natural beauty of this area. It is an opportunity for nature lovers  and the event provides a water ride by a water Ciro , a boat on the Visegrad lake where they can  view the canyon of the Drina and Lim and it is also the place where the event ends. In Priboj and Rudo are two fishing associations that have more than a total of 1200 members in both municipalities.
Estimated results of the action:

1. A joint organizing committee event was formed and event calendar created

2.Increased safety of participants through increased training of skippers

3.Enhanced technical requirements for organizing the event

4.Improved technical capacity of rafting clubs.

5.Intregration of people with special needs promoted.

6.Raised environmental awareness of event participants through the realization of ecological regattas in the Lim International Biathlon event.

7.Improved technical conditions for the development of cycling in the cross-border area and increased number of bicycle caravan participants up to 50%

8. Enhanced technical requirements for the performance of music- entertainment events through the procurement and organization of sound system and media concerts .

9.Enhanced  media promotion of the event and the project.

Main activities:

1. Organizing the coordination meetings of the project team with the partner’s staff form Rudo and Priboj

2. Organizing and carrying out the training for the skippers

3. Improvement of the old plateau and the arrival plateau (Regatta for the persons with special needs) in Uvac as the revitalization of the access staircases on Valine

4. The procurement of 81 protective suits and boots of neoprene and three rafting boats for equipping the clubs in order of environmental cleaning.

5. Organization and holding the Regatta where the persons with special needs participate

6. Organization and holding of the environmental regatta in order to clean the banks of the river of Lim and raising the awareness of all participants and the other citizens but about the importance of preventing from the pollution.

7. Esatablishment of two cycling roads and the procurement of the bicycles and the protective equipement in order to increase the number of participants in the cycling caravans.

8. The procurement of the professional equipement for the acoustics in Priboj and the organization of the concerts before the beginning of the manifestation and the procurement of the professional equipement for the acoustics in Rudo and the organization of concert of the affirmed rock group.

9. The works on the media promotion of the manifestation and the whole project with the preparation and printing of supporting publications as well as building of different billboards and the boards with the organizuer’s signs and the labels of donor.