Programme: CBC SRB-BiH 2014-2020
Call for Proposals: 2nd
Application No: 38
Contract No. 48-00-00080/2019-28-2 signed on December 29th, 2020
Project Title: Establishing the system of sustainable bulky waste management, on the territories of the cities of Uzice and Tuzla –

Bulky Waste Less/BWL

Specific objective: SO 2.1: Improving sustainable environmental planning and promotion of biodiversity
Result: Result 2.1.1: The effectiveness of public services and practices in relation to solid waste and wastewater management are enhanced through joint initiatives at both sides of the border
Project budget: Total contract amount (€): Contracted amount EU (€) and

% of total contract amount:

€  576,664.52 €  478,631.55


Beneficiaries of funds: Lead applicant: Co-applicants:

PUC Regional waste management centre Duboko, Uzice


·         Public Utility Company Komunalac Tuzla

·         Centre for Ecology and Energy Tuzla

Location of the action: SRB: BiH:
Republic of Serbia, Western Serbia, Zlatibor Region, City of Uzice


Bosnia and Herzegovina, North-east B&H, Tuzla Canton, City of Tuzla
Target groups: TG1: 140  field coordinators from the local communities of the two cities

TG2: 12 employees in two PUCs;

TG3: 10 employees in two city self-government administrations.

Commencement date and project duration: March 1st , 2021, 18 months
Overall objective: Contribution to improvement of sustainable environmental planning in CBC area of Republic of Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Specific objective(s) or project purpose: Improved efficiency of public services in the field of waste management, by establishing the system of sustainable bulky waste management, on the territories of the cities of Uzice and Tuzla
Activities and results of the project


R1: Technical preconditions for separate collection and further treatment of bulky waste established on the territories of Uzice and Tuzla.

 R2: Personnel capacities of  2 local communities increased for treatment of bulky waste.

 R3: The territories of the two cities are without  illegal dumps of  bulky waste.

R4: The two local communities are informed  about the newly-established concept of bulky waste treatment and they participate in it actively. 

A1.1: Development of a layout plan and a placement of containers for separate bulky waste collection.

 A1.2: Establishment of 2 recycling yards on the areas of 2 landfills . A1.3:  Development of the plan and program  related to taking over bulky waste by the two PUCs.

A1.4: Purchase of 2 equipment for handling bulky waste and 2 special machines for cutting bulky waste.

A2.1: Development of the program  and realization of trainings for employees in the public utility companies

A2.2: Realization of trainings for employees in the relevant city administrations

A2.3: Realization of a Study tour  in EU with a good practice example in the  nearby surrounding.

A3.1: Mapping and clearing 8 illegal  bulky waste dumps in the 2 cities 

A3.2: Establishment and education of a network of coordinators from the local communities.

A3.3: Implementation of regular monitoring of cleared locations. A4.1: Realization of 40 info-meetings in the local communities of the two cities

A4.2: Conceptualization and realization of 2 media campaigns

A4.3: Realization of 3 project conferences in the two cities.