Useful documents and manuals
News and eventsIn order to facilitate preparation of quality project proposals, please find below links for two useful documents which can help potential Applicants prepare and formulate better their project proposals:
Questions and answers collected at…
Second info-day held in Užice
News and eventsThe second of a total of four info-days within the Second Call for Proposals of the Cross-Border Programme Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina was held on September 20, 2011 in the City Hall Užice in front of 120 visitors. The remaining two info-days…
The first info-day held in Šabac
News and eventsOn September 15, 2011 in Šabac, at the Regional Centre for Professional Development, the first of four info-days within the Second Call for Proposals was held. More than 70 potential applicants, who participated in the info-day, were encouraged…
Kick-off Conference on the occasion of the launch of the Second Call for Proposals
News and eventsDirectorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina as Operating Structure in charge of the implementation of the Programmes financed from the IPA Component II (cross-border cooperation), in cooperation with the European Integration…
(Serbian) Praktični vodič za ispunjavanje aplikacionog formulara
News and eventsSorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and Bosnian.
Info Days registration
News and eventsPlease confirm your attendance at Info Days at e-mail address stating the exact Info Day that you will be attending.
Please find the map for Center for Competence Improvement in Šabac at