Reporting workshop for 13 beneficiaries of the 2nd CfP CBC SER-BIH held in Sarajevo on 1st October 2013

Reporting workshop for 13 beneficiaries of the 2nd CfP IPA Cross-Border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina was held on 1st October, 2013  in Sarajevo. During the workshop, basic reporting elements, submission rules and deadlines where…

Project partners meeting

On Friday, 27th September, 2013, at 12:00, at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Novi Sad, there was a meeting of managers of the IPA project team “Improvement of the postural status and the spinal column status…

Training on analysis of natural resources and GIS training

In hotel Hollywood on Ilidža since 25th until 27th September 2013. training was held on the analysis of natural resources and GIS training as part of the “Wise use of common natural resources - road to sustainability of the Serbia/BiH cross-border…

On the Way towards Joint Spa&Wellness Tourism Product

Within the project “Development and Promotion of Health and Spa tourism in Cross Border area of Bosnia and Herzegovina –Serbia” (Cross Spa), which is implemented by Foundation of Local Democracy Sarajevo and Tourism Organization of the…

Training on food safety for caterers

As part of the implementation plan of the "Safe Food Region" started a second three-day training in the field of food and food products for the restaurant owners. The first training was held in July and was intended for consumers, and the remaining…

A Roma cultural evening was held

Within the project "Support to cooperation, inclusion, education and the promotion of Roma culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia SA-ŠA", funded by the EU within the framework of Cross-border cooperation program CBC B&H-Serbia and…