Operating Structures of the Cross-Border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, with the support of the Delegations of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and to Bosnia and Herzegovina, are organizing workshops for potential applicants who will apply within the Third Call for Proposals of the CBC Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The workshops will be held according to the following schedule:
16 January 2013 in Modrica (BiH) in motel Majna
17 January 2013 in Fojnica (BiH) in hotel Reumal
The scope of the workshops is to foster project preparation capacities of all potential applicants interested in applying for IPA funds under cross-border programmes. The Joint Technical Secretariat will present to the workshop participants methodology of project cycle management and how it works within the Application Form, example of budget preparation, as well as all other information relevant for submitting an application.
We invite all interested potential applicants to confirm their participarion in the workshops at the e-mail address imarkovic@seio.gov.rs no later than 3 January 2013. Please indicate which workshop you are interested in. All registered participants will receive by e-mail detailed information regarding the exact location, time and the agenda of the workshop.