Programme: CBC SRB-BiH 2014-2020
Call for Proposals: 3rd
Contract No. 48-00-162/2021-28-13 signed on September 6th 2023
Project Title: Development of rural tourism as a basis for future sustainable development in the cross-border region of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Specific objective of the Programme: SO 3.1. Increasing the contribution of tourism to the socio-economic development of the programme area
Programmes’ result: Result inclusion 3.1.1: The offer and quality of tourism products and services is furthered based on joint efforts and initiatives
Project budget: Total contract amount (€): Contracted amount EU (€) and

% of total contract amount:

€   339,971.00 €  243,065.00


Beneficiaries of funds: Lead applicant: Co-applicants:

Municipality of Han Pijesak


Hunting Association Studena Gora, Han Pijesak


City of Loznica,

Hunting Association Gučevo, Loznica

Location of the action: SRB: BiH:
Municipality of Loznica Municipality of Han Pijesak
Target groups: –        Local authorities and institutions involved in rural tourism activities – local government institutions

–        Local service providers in rural tourism activities (hunting associations, restaurants, accommodation facilities, services providers, etc.

Commencement date and project duration: September 15th 2023, 24 months
Overall objective: To increase competitiveness of cross border rural tourism sector through improvement of tourism infrastructure, new tourism products and services and enhanced partnership and cooperation in the cross-border area.
Specific objective(s) or project purpose: 1. Improvement of the infrastructure base for rural tourism development in order to increase the attractiveness of the cross-border destination

2. Improvement of the recognition of tourism destinations in the cross-border area through capacity building, promotional and marketing activities