The European Integration Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia 

in accordance with the Direct Grant Agreement with the European Union represented by European Commission for the Action entitled

“Technical Assistance for the Implementation of the Cross-Border Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina” 

is seeking

a qualified candidate for the position of 


for IPA Cross-Border Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 

in Užice



The European Union’s Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) supports the cross-border and transnational cooperation of EU candidate and potential candidate countries. The European Integration Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia (SEIO) is the Operating Structure (OS) for the cross-border (CBC) and transnational (TN) cooperation programmes and the Department for Cross-Border and Transnational Cooperation Programmes is responsible for coordination of CBC and TN Programmes in which the Republic of Serbia participates.

Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina IPA Cross-Border Programme has been jointly developed and is jointly managed by the participating countries. The Programme aims to foster integration and strengthen the cross-border cooperation process by pursuing the following objective: to bring together the people, communities and economies of the eligible area to jointly participate in the development of a cooperative area, using its human, natural and economic resources and advantages. The Programme operates predominantly through grant schemes based on single calls for proposals.

The participating countries have set up a Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) with Headquarters in Užice and an Antenna Office in Tuzla to assist them in carrying out their respective duties and ensuring the quality of the implementation of the Programme. The JTS is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the Programme. It provides technical support to the programme bodies in programming, managing technical assistance, launching and evaluation of calls for proposals, monitoring, publicity and visibility. JTS members are selected by participating countries. OS is seeking for a quailified candidate for the position of Task Manager. Responsibilities and duties are described in the Job Description document available here.

Minimum Required Skills and Experience

–    University degree

–    A minimum of one year of professional experience in a related area (e.g. programme, project, grant management)

–    Fluency in oral and written English and Serbian

–    Computer literacy

The JTS Task Manager will be selected from candidates meeting the above minimum criteria according to the following:

–    Sound knowledge of the principles of project cycle management

–    Experience in programme and/or project management (financed from the EU or other sources)

–    Knowledge and experience of EU procurement procedures

–    Knowledge of relevant EU documents and procedures (e.g. IPA Regulation, IPA Implementing Regulation, Framework Agreements, Financing Agreements, Centralised and Decentralised Management, the relevant Cross-Border Programme)

–    Knowledge and experience of relevant national legislation and procedures in 1 or both of the participating countries (e.g. working in, with or for public administration)

How to Apply

Please send a cover letter illustrating your suitability for the position and a resume in English to no later than 25 March 2013 (inclusive).

Selection procedure

Only short-listed candidates who fulfill the minimum criteria listed under Required skills and experience will be contacted for an interview. The invited candidates will be asked to demonstrate their skills and competencies during the interview. Interviews will be held in the premises of the Serbian European Integration Office in Belgrade on a date agreed with each of the short-listed candidates.