The Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia, as Contracting Authority, launches call for expression of interest for the assessment of project proposals received under the: Calls for Proposals of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes: Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027, Serbia – Montenegro 2021-2027 and Serbia – North Macedonia 2021-2027 under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III)


Potential Candidates have to meet the following requirements set as minimum:


Qualifications and skills:

  • At least a university degree (min 240 ECTS)
  • Excellent knowledge of the English language (knowledge of English language will be scored during the interview)


General professional experience:

  • The experts need to have minimum 6 years of general working experience obtained after the university degree.


Specific professional experience:


  • At least 5 years of relevant working experience related to the Thematic priority/ies (TP/TPs) of the call/s for which expert applies (please see parts 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 of the Terms of reference document for more detailes related to the TPs per Programme). Expert may apply for one or more Thematic priorities, related to one or more Programmes;
  • At least 2 years of relevant working experience related to management, implemenation, supervision or design of EU or other donors funded programmes and/or projects;
  • Previous experience in project proposal assessment/s;
  • Knowledge of local languages will be considered an advantage.


The objective of this call for expressions of interest is to set up a lists of interested candidates. Once the lists are drawn up, the Contracting Authority will select and invite qualified candidates to participate in the interview. The conditions for the later participation and the selection of the successful candidates are specified in the detailed document “Terms of Reference to create pool of experts (‘assessors’) to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the calls for proposals within the IPA III: Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027, Serbia – Montenegro 2021-2027 and Serbia – North Macedonia 2021-2027 under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III)”.


Please note that, once assessor is engaged for assessment of specific TP under specific Programme, she/he will be requested to take part in meetings in person in Belgrade, Serbia for each call for proposal, upon the request received from the programmes’ Contracting Authority.


During the implementation of the IPA III financial perspective, Programmes’ structures may decide that initially established pool of experts (assessors) should be expanded or changed, for one or more TPs.


If you are interested in participating in the subject call for expression of interest, please send an email to the functional mailbox of the Department for European territorial cooperation programmes of the RS Ministry of European Integration:, with following documents attached:

  • Cover letter (Letter of interest for participation),
  • Annex A (Application form) and
  • Annex C (CV in prescribed format in English language).


Please note that CBC Programme or Programmes, as well as Thematic priority/ies for which the expert applies, should be clearly indicated in the Application form and in the Cover letter.

When sending an e-mail, please indicate the following reference in the subject line: “CBCPs: RS-BA, RS-ME, RS-MK – Expression of interest for creation of pool of assessors.”.


All interested parties who have submitted the above mentioned documents by 15:00 hours CET on 28/10/2024 will be included in the list.


N.B. Inclusion on the list does not commit the Contracting Authority to invite potential candidate to participate in the interview.



  1. Application form
  2. Terms of Reference to create a pool of experts (assessors) to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the calls for proposals within the IPA III: Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027, Serbia – Montenegro 2021-2027 and Serbia – North Macedonia 2021-2027 under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III)
  3. Template for the candidate’s CV