Programme: CBC SRB-BiH 2014-2020
Call for Proposals: 2nd
Application No: 23
Contract No. 48-00-00080/2019-28-7 signed on March 23th, 2021
Project Title: Improve employability of people from vulnerable groups through provision of new knowledge and skills
Specific objective: SO 1.1.: Enhancing the employability of the labour force, and increasing the employment opportunities
Result: Result 1.1.3: Unemployed persons obtained new practical skills in real working environments, based on the labour market demand and similarities at both sides of the border
Project budget: Total contract amount (€): Contracted amount EU (€) and

% of total contract amount:

€  220.334,40 €  187.284,24


Beneficiaries of funds: Lead applicant: Co-applicants:

  • Caritas Šabac
  • Municipality of Bogatić

·         Centar za profesionalnu rehabilitaciju, prekvalifikaciju i osposobljavanje osoba s invaliditetom i drugih teško zapošlivih grupa “PROREHA”-Sarajevo

·         Institution for adult education –Social educational centre -Banja Luka

Location of the action: SRB: BiH:
Mačvanski District: Bogatić, Loznica, Vladimirci, Koceljevo, Mali Zvornik, Šabac. Kanton Sarajevo: Hadžići, Ilidža, Novi Grad Sarajevo, Stari Grad Sarajevo, Ilijaš, Breza, Sarajevo Centar i Novo Sarajevo.

– Posavski kanton: Domaljevac-Šamac i Brod

Target groups: 120 beneficiaries with disability participants of trainings;

240 unemployed persons participants of trainings, to become social services staff;

8 persons involved in internship programme;

4 persons as project staff;

18 persons to manage trainings;

local institutions.

Commencement date and project duration: April 1st, 2021, 24 months
Overall objective: Enhancing the employability of the people from vulnerable groups in cross-border area, and increasing the employment opportunities for them
Specific objective(s) or project purpose: Unemployed persons obtained new practical skills in field of social entrepreneurship (social welfare and social agriculture) based on the labour market demand and similarities at both sides of the border
Activities and results of the project


R0) The project management procedures defined, implemented and project visibility achieved

R1) Vocational trainings programmes developed and implemented

R2) Practical trainings (internship) in real working environment realised


              Pilot committee formed and put in force

              Awareness raising campaign


              Development of trainings curricula for social welfare caregivers

              Training for social welfare caregivers

              Development of trainings curricula for social agriculture workers

              Training for social agriculture workers

              Development of trainings curricula for social economy   management

              Training for social economy management

              Creation and printing of publications 


Development of internship programs

Selection of candidates from vulnerable groups for internship

 Implementation of internship