The press conference marked the beginning of the project ““Suburban recycling” – Establishing system of waste management in suburban area of Uzice and Tuzla – SUBREC”. The primary waste selection will include a total of 5000 households, which will receive two bins, one for dry waste and one for wet waste.
The new concept of municipal waste management, which is being established in the territory of the two cities, improves the efficiency of public services in the field of municipal waste management and establishes a system of primary waste selection in households in the suburban settlements of Uzice and Tuzla.
Tihomir Petkovic, mayor of Uzice, addressed the audience at the beginning of the conference. This is the beginning of a project that is very important our community due to the fact that the Regional Landfill established for nine founders is located in the territory of the City of Uzice. With this project, Uzice will receive around 420,000 euros and this is the first step to resolve the problem of primary selection by the 2021 for one part of the city. At the same time, we have an agreement with ministries, first of all Ministry of Environmental Protection to start the implementation of another project worth EUR 550,000 through the European Union IPA funds. That project is related to primary selection in the rest of the city – said Tihomir Petković, Mayor of Uzice.
Filip Radovic, director of the Environmental Protection Agency, said that Uzice and the Regional Center “Duboko” are an example of how primary selection will be organized on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Our experience has shown that once primary separation is initiated, citizens were willing to participate in the process. This is just the path of the “circular” economy, and at the same time, the European Union’s strategy. The environment knows no borders, created by man, Radovic concluded.
Momir Milovanovic, director of PUC “Duboko” Uzice, addressed to the public: ‘’the aim is to modernize the process and to enable all waste to pass through the Selection Center. Establishing system of waste management in suburban area will contribute to select more waste, west will be of better quality, there will be less bottlenecks in the Selection Center and landfill will have a longer life.’’
This is the second project for Tuzla, which is a continuation of the project activities from the previous IPA project in the field of environmental protection and education of children.
Primary selection has no alternative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and through two pilot projects for 500 households, we will distribute two bins, on for dry and another for wet waste. With partners from Serbia we have lot of similarities and we should complement each other – explained Admir Becirovic, director of PUC “Komunalac” from Tuzla.