As part of the project “Development of rural tourism as a basis for future sustainable development in the cross-border region of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina” implemented by the Municipality of Han Pijesak, the City of Loznica, the “Gučevo” Hunting Association from Loznica, and the “Studena Gora” Hunting Association from Han Pijesak, a press conference was held on May 24. During this conference, the main components of the project were presented to the media and the local public.

Additionally, the first of four planned workshops was held. Participants from Han Pijesak and Loznica, supported by trainer-facilitators, discussed the resources and potentials of the cross-border area, with a special focus on Han Pijesak and Loznica.

During the conference, activities were announced for the development of the Tourism Development Strategy for the Municipality of Han Pijesak, as well as reconstruction work on facilities in Han Pijesak and Loznica. These activities will significantly contribute to strengthening the capacities of local associations, which will, through the implementation of various project activities, become key players in the tourism development processes and important partners to local governments and tourism organizations.

The project aims to enhance rural tourism in the cross-border area, contributing to sustainable development and better connectivity between communities in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.